A bull market or bull run is defined as a period when the majority of investors make purchases, demand outweighs supply, market confidence is high, and prices rise. If you see that prices are trending rapidly upward in a particular Sunday, this may be a sign that the majority of investors are optimistic or “bullish” about the price increasing further. In this case, you may be facing the beginning of a bull market.
Investors who believe that prices will increase over time are called “bulls”. As investor confidence increases, a positive cycle emerges as this cycle tends to attract more investment, which causes prices to continue to rise.
Since the price of each cryptocurrency is heavily influenced by people's confidence in that asset, one strategy that some investors use is to try to determine investors' optimism in a particular market (a measurement known as “market sentiment”).
What determines the end of the bull market?
Along the way, even during the bull market
there will be fluctuations, drops and corrections. Short-term downward movements can easily be misinterpreted as the end of a bull market. Therefore, it is important to examine the price movement over a longer period of time and take into account the possible signs that the trend will reverse from a broader perspective. (Investors who work in a shorter time frame often talk about "buying at the bottom".)
History has shown that bull markets do not last forever, and at some point investor confidence will begin to decline. This situation can be triggered by anything from negative news, such as unfavorable legislation, to unpredictable conditions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. A sharp downward price movement can initiate a bear market, in which more investors believe that prices will continue to fall, and it can cause a downward spiral for these investors to sell to prevent further losses. #bullmarket #Bullish #BTC #crypto2023 #ETH
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