
Dojoswap is an automated market-maker (AMM) protocol, drawing inspiration from Uniswap, and it operates through smart contracts on the Injective blockchain. This protocol facilitates a decentralized on-chain exchange for a variety of assets within the Injective ecosystem.


Users can participate in Dojoswap as traders, liquidity providers, or both.

For traders

Traders have the ability to swap their tokens for different ones via Dojoswap, with the exchange rate being set by the liquidity pool's ratio.

$POINT Farming

We will launch the $DOJO token once Dojoswap is running perfectly. The $DOJO token will have the following utilities:

  • Vote-escrowed tokenomics for governance

  • Governance to govern pool emissions

  • Fee-share from swap fees

  • Participation in project launchpools from partner projects

Based on the amount of $POINT you receive, you will be accorded higher amounts of $DOJO airdrop when it is released.

  • Adding of liquidity. The longer you hold your liquidity, the higher your points. If you are the earliest to a particular liquidity pool, your points will be more so than others. $POINT token address: inj1l73x8hh6du0h8upp65r7ltzpj5twadtp5490n0

Liquidity Provider

A liquidity provider boosts the liquidity of a Dojoswap pair by contributing an equal value of two assets to the pool, thereby increasing the market's liquidity without altering the pool price. As a reward for this contribution, liquidity providers receive newly created LP tokens, representing their stake in the pool. These tokens come with the advantage of earning trading fees, which accrue with each swap made within the pool.

When liquidity providers wish to withdraw their portion from the pool, they have the option to burn their LP tokens.

Dojoswap Exchange

The Dojoswap Exchange serves as the official web front-end interface for the seamless swapping of Dojo native tokens and CW20 tokens. You can access the web application at this location.

To engage with Dojoswap, a connected wallet is a prerequisite. Prior to initiating a swap through the web application, ensure that your connected wallet contains the necessary source tokens and covers the transaction fee. Upon generating a transaction in the correct format, the system will prompt you to sign the transaction by entering your password.

Trading Fees

In Dojoswap, every liquidity pool designated for a permitted asset pair includes a set LP Commission rate. This fee, fixed at 0.3%, operates separately from the algorithmic price-making that establishes the spread. When a trade occurs, this fee is subtracted from the asset received by the trader as a deduction for utilizing the liquidity pool.

The fee paid by traders with each trade returns to the specific liquidity pool as compensation for those providing liquidity. Liquidity providers have the option to withdraw the accumulated commission from the pool by burning the LP tokens they earned through contributing liquidity.

Breakdown of the fees will be:

  • 0.15% fees for LP holders

  • 0.10% buyback and burn of $DOJO

  • 0.05% treasury fees for platform development Fees sent to treasury will be reduced over time and redirected to buyback and burn of $DOJO.

$DOJO Tokenomics

Ticker: DOJO

Contract Address: To be announced

Chain: Injective Token Supply: 800,000,000 Token Allocation 85.5% = 684,000,000 Community Liquidity Incentive (Farms/Pools) 2% = 16,000,000 (Launchpad) 0.5% = 4,000,000 (Liquidity Forming from Launchpad Proceeds) 6% = 48,000,000 (Marketing and Ecosystem Grant / Airdrops / Redemption of $POINTS) - vest over 12 months 6% = 48,000,000 (Platform Expenses / Dev Expenses / Treasury) - vest over 12 months $POINT will be allowed for redemption into $DOJO at a later stage.

There will not be any vesting but you will be able to redeem $POINT for $DOJO at a pre-determined ratio after launchpad. Our aim to make deflation higher than emission by building deflationary mechanisms into DojoSwap's products. The goal is for more $DOJO to leave circulation than the amount of DOJO that's produced. We will be reducing the block emission of $DOJO over time especially when $DOJO prices is going up. This helps to reduce inflation and create sustainability within the ecosystem, protecting price of $DOJO.


  • DEX launch with seeded native LP pools

  • Yield farms

  • QOL items such as dashboard d& easy LP creation

  • DOJO launchpad and airdrop

  • Launchpools with external projects

  • Launchpads to grow ecosystem

  • CMC, CG, Defillama listing

  • Vote escrowed DOJO with governance

  • Advanced features such as limit orders, DCA etc

  • DOJO integration with partners

  • DOJO CEX listing

So, I find Dojoswap to be a very promising project built on Injcetive.