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  • We explore how “risky” Bitcoin, Ether and BNB truly are when compared to a number of popular technology stocks that have been common investments in recent years

  • We see evidence indicating the relative safety of Bitcoin, Ether and BNB in <2.5% drawdowns when comparing against the “SMART” stocks and Tesla, Inc

  • Drawdowns below 5% show less favorable figures for Bitcoin, Ether and BNB, but these have rapidly improved in the recent time horizon and getting better

  • Most notably, Bitcoin, Ether and BNB lead the group in daily closes of 2.5%+, with Ether topping the chart across the time periods we are looking at

  • In terms of absolute drawdowns, Bitcoin, Ether and BNB demonstrate notably lower risk than the “SMART” group and the China Concepts Stocks

  • Data for Bitcoin is particularly encouraging, demonstrating lower loss potential than both Netflix, Inc. and Meta Platforms, Inc.

  • Bitcoin’s strongest open in 2022 was just under $47.5k, whereas the weakest open was at $36.3k, representing a 23.6% maximum unrealised loss this year. Perhaps we can compare this to NVIDIA Corp (30.6% max. unrealised loss), Meta Platforms, Inc. (45.0%), Roku, Inc. (57.2%) and then talk about what is truly “risky” !

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