As of January 29, 2025, the trading pair SPELL/USDT reflects the value of Spell Token (SPELL) in terms of Tether (USDT), a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar.
Currently, Spell Token is trading at approximately $0.00173922, with an intraday high of $0.0020347 and a low of $0.00132905.
Tether (USDT) maintains its peg to the U.S. dollar, trading at around $0.999418, with an intraday high of $1.00 and a low of $0.999396.
The SPELL/USDT pair is available on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, where it has a significant trading volume.
For the latest price charts and market data on SPELL/USDT, platforms like TradingView offer comprehensive insights.
Please note that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile. It's advisable to consult multiple sources and exercise caution when making investment decisions.
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