Binance Square
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$BTC BlockBeats 訊息,1 月 10 日據 Cryptonews 報道 俄羅斯已開始出售其在 2023 年對 Infraud 駭客組織 調查中沒收的比特幣 沒收的價值近 1000 萬美元的比特幣。 雖然比起美國的是九牛一毛的差距 但在非農數據公佈前出消息是不是在誘空? 比起昨天比特幣有稍微的小抬頭一下 但在非農出來前上下插針的概率是存在的 如果有低點的現貨可以來一點

BlockBeats 訊息,1 月 10 日據 Cryptonews 報道
俄羅斯已開始出售其在 2023 年對 Infraud 駭客組織
沒收的價值近 1000 萬美元的比特幣。

#美国非农数据即将公布 美國非農就業人數預測: 在11月激增後預計增長放緩 預計12月美國非農就業人數將增加16萬人, 此前11月為22.7萬人。 美國勞工統計局將於週五13:30 GMT發布勞動力數據。 在週三發布的鷹派美聯儲會議紀要之後, 美國就業數據將撼動美元。 因為它將幫助市場評估在當選總統特朗普上任之際 美聯儲(Fed)未來的降息預期。 下一份非農就業報告會有什麼期待? 經濟學家預計非農就業報告將顯示12月美國經濟 新增16萬個就業崗位,此前11月因兩次颶風 和波音罷工的影響消退,新增就業人數為22.7萬。 預計同期失業率(UE)將保持在4.2%。 與此同時,作為衡量工資通脹的重要指標, 平均時薪(AHE)預計12月同比(YoY)增長4%, 與11月的增速相同。 投資者將評估12月的就業數據, 以尋找美國勞動力市場健康狀況的新跡象, 因為他們對特朗普總統任期內的通脹 和貨幣政策前景保持警惕。 即將出台的特朗普移民和貿易政策 預計將推高通脹,要求提高利率。 週三發布的美聯儲12月會議紀要顯示, 政策制定者對通脹和特朗普政策的 潛在影響表示擔憂,表明他們將因不確定性 而在降息方面更加緩慢和謹慎。 而總經的小浮動再加密市場都是大震盪$BTC


美國勞工統計局將於週五13:30 GMT發布勞動力數據。






#市场调整策略 如之前說的1/10非農數據前 一定是持續震盪行情走勢 只是想不到這次玩上衝下洗 但現貨派的朋友不用害怕 上衝可以選擇止盈 下洗可以直接抄底 市場上不虧就是賺 子彈不要全部打光 凡事都需要留一手 非農完就是1/20川普就職 到這之前應該會先鋪墊一波 然後劇本就看莊家怎麼玩了 但就兩套要就利好落地 不然就是一路爆衝上去 讓你連車都上不了 你咬牙買進他就瘋狂殺出 所以請提前佈局倉位 擬定策略就不要三心兩意 頻繁交易是大忌
#币安MegadropSOLV 明天東八區0800起幣安用戶 可參與SOLV Megadrop 幣安發佈公告表示用戶可以從 2025年01月07日08:00:00(東八區時間) 參與SOLV Megadrop。 Solv Protocol (SOLV) Megadrop App端頁面 預計將於此公告後大約十二小時內上線。 幣安將於2025年01月17日18:00(東八區時間)上市 Solv Protocol (SOLV),並開通SOLV/USDT、 SOLV/BNB、SOLV/FDUSD和SOLV/TRY交易市場, 適用種子標籤交易規則。

可參與SOLV Megadrop
參與SOLV Megadrop。
Solv Protocol (SOLV) Megadrop App端頁面
Solv Protocol (SOLV),並開通SOLV/USDT、
#比特币走势观察 歷史不會重演但總會驚人的相似 對比去年ETF通過前一月價格也是迎來高點 而今年的利好就是川普上任的利多 而以太坊上次坎坷升級這次布拉格升級 也會是山寨幣起飛與否的關鍵因素 1/6晚上才開始拉盤雖然稍微晚一點 但也算還能預期的到大概時間點 機構與巨鯨的收益在於價格的波動 抓住大致幾個時間點,留意聰明錢流動 機構一定會不斷放出利多預測 吸引韭菜貪婪上車抬高價格 當量上不去之後就會高割離席 然後跌到支撐後再進場抄底 做好倉位管理、止盈止損(%) 不要賭徒心態無止盡貪婪追高 或是賣飛後又FOMO進場 大幣抱好小幣賺完就跑 市場上有賺就是大贏,不虧就是賺 願大家都能賺大錢 $BTC



#加密市场反弹 2025年1月20日特朗普即將再次擔任美國總統 他一直以來對加密貨幣態度友好 預計將出臺更多支持區塊鏈和數字資產的政策。 市場對他的迴歸抱有樂觀預期 長期來看或將推動加密行業穩步發展。 FTX啓動債務清償計劃 1月6日開始FTX將啓動債務清償計劃 總額高達160億美元,預計60天內完成。 這筆鉅額資金迴流市場,將極大提振流動性 爲加密貨幣生態注入活力。 市場情緒有望隨之改善,並可能帶動一波價格反彈。

✨️My Binance Journey and Tips for All Beginners✨️
My journey with Binance began in 2023, when I was first introduced to the world of cryptocurrency by my friend. Fascinated by the potential of decentralised finance, I decided to explore the crypto market and found Binance to be a popular and user-friendly platform.
At first, I started with small investments, primarily focusing on learning the basics of cryptocurrency trading.📚
My first trade is a small profit on PEPE and BNB. It's encouraged me to delve deeper into the crypto market. I continue to utilise Binance for exploring Binance's Launchpool, Learn and Earn, Megadrop, Futures trading, and learning about the benefits of holding crypto assets long-term and earning passive income.

"Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn." I believe Binance has played a crucial role in my crypto journey.✨️
🔴 Tips and Tricks for Beginners
● Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and choose a strong password to secure your account.
● Learn basic trading concepts
● Set stop-loss orders. Avoid emotional trading.
● Binance Academy offers educational resources, including articles, videos, and courses, to help you learn about cryptocurrencies and trading.
● If you have any questions or encounter any problems, contact Binance's customer support for assistance.
I hope these tips help you on your Binance journey! Good Luck 🍀✨️
From Adversity to Leadership: My Journey at Binance and the Fight for a Safe Community 🤝🐯🧡
🔸 I started on Binance in late 2022.
🔸 I had previously tried investing in stocks in 2018.

🔸 But it turned out that I got into a scam broker and lost my money 💔 ( This caused me to abandon online investments for a few years )

🔸In 2022, looking for an alternative to save in a context of rapid devaluation of our Argentine currency 🇦🇷 , I discovered USDT and entered the world of cryptocurrencies.

🔍 Then, I learned about blockchain and Bitcoin ( $BTC ) . Analyzing various exchange platforms, I realized that the most complete was Binance .

🛤️ This is how my journey in Binance would begin 🛤️ 🚶

🔸 I took the time to learn and understand how everything worked, as it was the first time I used a platform with so many options and services 📚 .

🔸 Since I didn't do well with stocks 4 years ago, I still had doubts about investments and only invested $10, but it was enough to practice 📱 .

🔸 Then I discovered that Binance offers opportunities to earn through activities without investment, so I started participating in everything. 📲 ( WOTD , Binance Live , learn and earn , Events on social media , Whatever it was without investment, I started to participate ) .

🔸 By June 2023, an event called "Fruit Game" had started. The top 3 participants could win $100 each, and those in the top 1000 would receive $1.

🔸 I didn't make it to the top, but I was still happy because I earned $1 for free just for playing.
🔸 Then there was another opportunity where the top 3 could win 50 usd, so with my previous experience I made it to the Top 2, and I won 50 usd, that was the first time I won something so big for free on the internet 🌐🎁 .

🔸 In June 2023, there was another opportunity where the first 20 places won 10 USD. I participated again and also managed to win.

🔸 link to event: Fruit Game 🥝
🔸 Also, with my explanation on how to play correctly, I helped other people win as well 🥝🏆. At that time, I had a small group and I liked to share the events with them. 🤝🐯🧡

🔸 In July 2023 , Binance launched its new product BIXEL, which allowed users to create images with AI and turn them into NFTs. To promote this project, Binance organized a campaign offering a reward of 1 BNB to the top 10 NFT creators.

🔸 So since I had already helped several people in previous events, I had a little support, but it wasn't going to be enough, so I prepared a strategy and then with help I was able to get into the top 10 and earn 1 $BNB . 🏆🖼️

🔸 At that time I used the nickname T_48 .. also with the strategy that made me successful, I got others to win too, actually my strategy was to give my place to my partner and for her to win that prize, but since we were doing so well, we decided to position my NFT too and we won 2, her NFT was Estela_Meras. .. Ah well everything I had in my binance account from the money I won in the fruit events and others had disappeared, my account was at 0 usd, but it was worth playing with everything we had and we managed to win with my strategy 💡🧠 ..

🔸 We gave away half of the BNB we both earned to the people in the small group, so we were left with a little more than 0.5 BNB each.

🏁 So there I crossed that line where I had stopped being an unknown to Binance 🔶

🔸 And it was always the same: Fight against scams and climb in an honest way only with Binance events, and share those profits with other people 🤝🐯🧡 .

🔸 After discovering that over 90% of crypto TG groups were used for scams, I decided to take action. Even though I reported fraudulent accounts and groups, scammers easily changed identities, making the process difficult.
🔸 Everything changed when I identified a creator on Binance Feed who was leading an NFT Ponzi scheme. I gathered evidence, sent it to Binance support, and they managed to remove his content and ban him from posting again 🚫.

🧹🏆 That victory motivated me to focus on protecting Binance Feed, a platform where anti-scam actions were effective. 🏆🧹

🔸 In August 2023, Binance launched a campaign related to Binance Dog 🐶 . Since my Bixel NFT 🖼️ , which had reached the top 10, was inspired by my dog, I decided to participate. I put the image of the NFT on the TV in the background and my dog in front of it.

🔸 In September 2023, they announced the winners on IG , and my photo was chosen, winning a prize of 100 USD.

🔸 In September 2023, my application to create content on Binance Feed was approved ✅ , after initially being rejected due to having few followers .

🔸 A month later, Binance Feed became Binance Square, allowing everyone to post. This increased the scams ( including @Binance Live ) , but I kept reporting them, although they were not always removed, which led to constant complaints from me 😑.

🔸At the beginning of January 2024 , an event was held to vote for the best creators 2023 . Thanks to the efforts of the community, we achieved 5th place. 💪... 🤝🐯🧡

🔸 This capture is from the penultimate day .
🔸 I thought the prize was just the recognition of being at the top of the table, but , I was surprised when a trophy arrived. 🏆.

🔸 There were several categories I was in individual creator .

🔸 In January 2024 too , I also received recognition from the X Binance official account for being in the top Defi Challenger 🏆 .

🔸 In May 2024, I received recognition from @Binance Risk Sniper for my efforts in fighting scams, which further motivated me to continue.

🔸 Also when I found the fake @BNB Chain profile .

🔸 In August 2024, the tournament to vote for the best creators of 2024 began.

🔸 I am quite disappointed with this event, as we saw how the top finishers made fake draws and tricked people, saying they would win 100 USDT or 5 USDT. It was a prize for the best liars. I gave up on the event, but people kept voting for me, and I placed 10th . However, it was impossible to get to top 3 to win the trip to the event, as I didn't want to lie to anyone so I preferred to give up the prize.

🔸 After a few months, I received the trophy at my house and I took the opportunity to take a photo of the two trophies together, the one for 2023 and the one for 2024.

🔸 In September 2024, I ran a collaboration with Binance Square, where users were required to post safety tips to participate. This helped increase awareness on how to prevent scams : Link Post: Digital Security

🔸 20 people received 5 $USDC as a reward : Winners Security Digital .

🔸 In 2 November , the official Binance Argentina group on TG 🇦🇷, the Angels 🪽 organized a raffle for tickets to an event. I participated and won two 🎟️ , so I prepared my Binance 7th anniversary clothing and other related stuff, and the next day I traveled 500 kilometers 🚌 .

🔸 Upon arrival, I attended my first crypto event, where I met some of the Angels, chatted with them, and took the Square trophy with me. They also took an amazing photo of me that I now have on all my profiles 📸

🔸 Before leaving, we took a group photo for the memory🔸 👥👥🔸. It was a very nice experience. What I liked most was talking to people, learning how they started in crypto and how they use technology, which gave me new knowledge.

🔸 In November 21 - 2024, I received an invitation to celebrate @Richard Teng 1-year anniversary as CEO , alongside @jessicasmw and @Viane as hosts.

🔸 The truth is that I don't know how to speak English, but since it was a unique opportunity to celebrate with Richard Teng, I decided to practice my question for several hours until I could get it to come out fluently. Then, I sent an audio to several native speakers to help me improve. Finally, everything went well and the day arrived. 💪

🔸 My question in the talk was :
• Binance Square is a social network that uses KYC. • This helps to stop scammers from making new accounts after being banned.• In other social networks, scammers can make new accounts easily. • Do you think Binance Square could be a new model for social media ?

🔸 Richard expressed an optimistic view on the future of Binance Square, highlighting the importance of community and commitment to caring for users.

🔸 In December, I attended the live stream about Binance Square's new updates. I was happy to know that they had listened to my suggestions and added a simpler way for people to learn how to use Square properly, including related rules and surveys .

🔸 I sent 25,000 gifts to the community 🤝🐯🧡

🔸 I made 3,000 transactions in @Binance Pay Official 🎁🔥

🔸 All this as a thank you to the community for their support and for helping me spread security news.

🔸 #Binance250MUsers
🔸 Thank you so much @Binance Square Official and @币安广场 for everything they gave me, and I hope they continue to improve the platform, I will be there to help in the process, although if I see something that is wrong, I will always say it 🤝🐯🧡

🔸 My advice for new users is:
🔸 If you are short on resources, don't worry, that's not a limitation. There are many free events in the Binance ecosystem, you just need to keep an eye on the news 🗞️.
🔸 For everyone, my biggest advice is to learn how to improve our digital security. It's essential to activate 2FA on all platforms and know how to identify fraudulent posts to avoid falling for scams and losing money.

🔸 As always, I thank my community for their constant support 🤝🐯🧡. Together, we achieved all of this through the strength of teamwork and collaboration with the community.
🔸 If you create a community, take care of it and don't compromise your values for money. Reject projects that may harm users, especially scams like meme cryptos created to manipulate the market.
🔸 I only collaborate with Binance Square because it gives me security, and I always advise getting free benefits without having to invest. 🤝🐯🧡
Binance Square Official
Predict BTC Price & Win up to $300 USDC!
With the new year approaching, where do you think Bitcoin will go next?
Drop your prediction for this week's $BTC closing price in the comments of this post 👇
🎁The top 3 closest predictions will win 300 USDC, 150 USDC, and 50 USDC. Jump in and share your prediction now! 
*Campaign Period: 2024-12-30 07:00 to 2025-01-05 20:00 (UTC)
‼️Ensure you have updated your app to at least version 2.92. Also, make sure the "Also Repost" box is checked when replying to be eligible for entry.

Terms and Conditions:
This campaign may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the campaign period eriod. Ensure the "Also Repost" box is checked when replying, or your comment won't count as a valid entry.To ensure fairness, entries closed at 2025-01-05 20:00 UTC. The campaign's outcome will be based on the BTCUSDT price at  2025-01-05 23:59:59 UTC.If users made multiple comments, only the first comment will be considered as an eligible entry. Deleted comments are not eligible for rewards.In case of identical predictions, the earliest comment will be prioritized.Winners will be announced in the comments section of this post within 7 working days after the campaign ends and notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Rewards will be distributed in the form of token vouchers to eligible users within 14 working days after the Activity ends. Users will be able to log in and redeem their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to disqualify any account acting against the Binance Square Community Guidelines or Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions of this post and the original English version, the English version of this post shall prevail.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.
#BTC上攻11万 有些多軍願景比較大已經看到11W 這個可能性不大,要等到2025年比較有機會 想要向上攻城掠地必須回調到位 這樣才能真正站穩上方阻力位 目前主要做空,我覺得大餅想要上攻110000 可能需要再次下探到90000左右才行 不知道到時候各位還有倉位抄底嗎? 一定要保留足夠的彈藥!!! 以上個人觀點不構成投資建議。



#市场反弹迹象 隨著一個重要的選擇權(Options)到期日的臨近 加密貨幣市場正為一個波動性增加的關鍵階段做準備。 12 月 27 日將有高達 140 億美元的比特幣選擇權到期 到期的合約佔 Deribit 交易所到期期間 未平倉合約總額的 44% 是該交易所史上最大的未平倉合約。 Deribit 交易所 CEO 表示 這一重要事件可能會加劇市場波動 並可能因市場中較高的槓桿水平而引發連鎖反應。 這是一個重要的事件,可能會重塑短期價格趨勢 並影響投資策略。分析師預計這一事件 將促使交易活動加劇,導致價格大幅波動 市場動盪加劇。 目前比特幣選擇權的未平倉合約 反映出交易者的看漲前景,市場情緒偏向樂觀。 然而,這一看漲趨勢面臨障礙 因為假期通常會帶來較低的交易量和流動性 這些因素可能會加劇價格波動。

12 月 27 日將有高達 140 億美元的比特幣選擇權到期
到期的合約佔 Deribit 交易所到期期間
未平倉合約總額的 44%
Deribit 交易所 CEO 表示


Earn up to $10,000 on Binance Launchpool BIO - Here is a detailed analysis of the project. Dont miss
BIO Introduction
BIO is a curation and liquidity protocol for Decentralized Science (DeSci). Our mission is to accelerate biotechnology by giving global communities of patients, scientists and biotech professionals the ability to collectively fund, build and own tokenized biotech projects and intellectual property (IP).
The team behind BIO helped create Molecule, a tokenization platform for early-stage biomedicine, and VitaDAO, the largest decentralized community for longevity science. Building on these successes, BIO is designed to catalyze an onchain scientific economy through decentralized funding, incentives and liquidity.
The BIO token gives holders access to BIO's network of scientific communities and IP, enabling broad exposure to the DeSci economy.
BIO Protocol
BIO protocol is a new financial layer for decentralized science aimed at accelerating the flow of capital and talent into onchain science.
The protocol is designed to catalyze an onchain economy of scientific communities (bioDAOs) and create deep, liquid, efficient markets for scientific IP developed by bioDAOs.

Protocol Goals
Curation, creation and acceleration of new bioDAOs funding science onchain.Perpetual funding and liquidity for bioDAOs and onchain biotech assets.Standardization of bioDAO frameworks, tokenomics and data/product suites.Generation and commercialization of scientific IP and data.
Core Operations
To achieve these goals, the BIO protocol has 5 core operations:
CurationFundingLiquidityBio/acc RewardsMeta-Governance
1. Curation (BIO Staking)
BIO token holders participate in curating which new BioDAOs join the ecosystem, enabling a bottom-up approach to funding science. The BioDAOs that are selected by the community are then funded, added to the treasury and ultimately supported by the BIO protocol. As the BIO Protocol relies on high quality BioDAOs, curation requires locked BIO to participate, ensuring that those participating are long-term aligned with the network.Using vBIO (locked BIO), BIO holders will have the ability to pledge their conviction in a new DAO applicant that is presented to the BIO Protocol by “Operators” (network stakeholders who support the incubation phase of a BioDAO).BIO holders use vBIO tokens to pledge which BioDAOs they want accepted, and if a DAO they’ve pledged on is voted in, the stakers get access to whitelisted funding rounds, and privileged access to the DAO’s products, data or services.
2. Funding
If the BioDAO applicant is accepted into the BIO Network, all vBIO stakers who pledged to that BioDAO will have the ability to participate in the initial private auction - a whitelisted pre-seed round.Through BIO, users are thus able to support groundbreaking science from day one, on equal to or better terms than VCs or other institutions. For BioDAOs, this creates an opportunity to align a pre-established high-value scientific community to become network participants for that specific field of research.
3. Liquidity
BioDAOs should focus on science, not managing liquidity. BIO alleviates this issue by managing bioDAO secondary market liquidity positions.The BIO protocol can support onchain liquidity for the BIO network using the BIO token and other token holdings in the BIO treasury.The BIO token can be paired in liquidity pools with BioDAO tokens (e.g., VITA/BIO, HAIR/BIO), as well as with other assets (e.g., BIO/ETH) to facilitate low-cost conversions in the network, accruing fees and building protocol-owned liquidity (POL).
4. Bio/acc Rewards
‍The BIO protocol can issue rewards in the form of BIO tokens (“bio/acc rewards”) that incentivize bioDAOs to reach key milestones designed to increase network value (AUM).BIO holders might choose to use bio/acc rewards to incentivize bioDAO milestones like funding a certain value of onchain science, maintaining a certain level of token liquidity, developing IP that reaches clinical trials, or generating sales from consumer products/services.
5. Meta-Governance
The BIO protocol will hold various BioDAO tokens in its treasury and can therefore serve as a meta-governance layer empowering BIO holders to govern a wide range of BioDAOs and scientific IP assets.

BIO Value Accrual
The BIO treasury accrues value through a variety of mechanisms, including:
Token Allocations
BIO Network provides incubated BioDAOs with a $100,000 grant in exchange for 6.9% of the BioDAO’s token supply. These token allocation accrue in the BIO Treasury, growing protocol AUM as the network underlying DAOs rise in the value. The BIO treasury can also receive allocations of bioDAO scientific IP assets.
Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL)
The BIO treasury accrues fees and yields from its onchain liquidity in BIO tokens, BioDAO tokens, IP tokens, ETH, and other assets, building POL.
BIO Token
The BIO token can be used for the following purposes:
Curate BioDAOs to join the BIO protocol programsPriority access to BioDAO token sales and IP-token salesDiscounts on BioDAO health products/servicesMeta-governance in BioDAOsVote on BIO emissions, treasury allocation, and protocol updates
BioDAOs are community-owned scientific research networks. They typically focus on a specific scientific or medical area, and use the power of a globally distributed collective of stakeholders (e.g., patients, scientists and biotech builders) to accelerate the R&D process and develop new IP. BioDAO members pool together resources (data, capital, labor) for the mission of the DAO. By sharing resources, these communities can reduce the cost of innovation and time to commercialization.
BioDAOs raise funding via token sales, and use their treasuries to back and develop biotech projects related to their mission, creating shared IP ownership between their members. BioDAOs use Molecule's onchain IP framework to own, license, and transact in intellectual property generated from the projects they support. BioDAO proceeds from IP and product sales can flow back into the bioDAO's treasuries to fund and translate the next generation of R&D, further advancing the bioDAO’s mission.

BioDAOs have several advantages over traditional scientific models:
Capital Efficiency: Pooled resources lower innovation costsFlexible Work Model: Enable part-time expert contributionsShared IP Ownership: Incentivize contributions through IP ownershipOpen Access: Remove gatekeeping in scientific funding and decision-makingDiversified Portfolio: Bundle many biotech projects simultaneously, reducing risk.
Success Stories:
VitaDAO: Funded $5M+ in longevity science, backed by Pfizer Ventures, partnered with Newcastle University.HairDAO: Targeting hair loss; DAO-owned patent and consumer product, Follicool.CerebrumDAO: Advancing brain health, raised over $1.5M, struck a deal with Fission Pharma to tackle mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease.ValleyDAO: Focusing on synthetic biology, raised $2M+ and partnered with Imperial College London.AthenaDAO: Advancing women’s health R&D, funded $500k in translational research, with 14 IP deals pending.CryoDAO: Advancing the field of cryogenics, raised over $3M for the field, established projects with Oxford Cryotechnology & Advanced Neural Biosciences.PsyDAO: Focusing on psychedelic medicines, having launched OPSY, a new platform leveraging psychedelics trials and data.
Early acceptances in BIO Cohort 2:
Long COVID Labs: Accelerating a cure for 100M+ Long COVID patients. Founded by Rohan Dixit, ex-Stanford Neuroscientist, healthcare entrepreneur and Long COVID survivor.Quantum Biology DAO: Building quantum microscopes to advance bio research. Founded by Clarice D. Aiello, MIT PhD and world-leading Quantum Biology Scientist, and Geoff Anders, Executive Director of Leverage Research.Curetopia (Rare Diseases): Tackling the $1T+ rare disease space by uniting families and patient communities. Founded by Ethan Perlstein, Harvard PhD, entrepreneur & Y-Combinator alumnus.
BIO token holders curate which bioDAOs are accepted into the BIO network by staking BIO tokens on bioDAOs they want accepted.
BioDAOs voted into the network receive funding via the BIO Launchpad, as well as token liquidity support, incentives and other acceleration services from the community.
If a DAO you've staked to is ultimately voted in by the community, you stand to earn BIO token rewards as well as early access to the DAO's initial token funding round and IP asset funding rounds conducted by the DAO.

Bio/Acc Rewards
Bio/Acc Rewards incentivize bioDAOs and their members to take actions that contribute to the network's overall value. Per BIOPSY-5, 4% of the BIO token supply (132.8M tokens) will be allocated to Bio/Acc Rewards.
Bio/Acc Rewards provide rewards in the form of BIO tokens to bioDAOs for achieving key milestones, including:
Initial token auctions via the BIO LaunchpadFunding science (IP-Token launches)Consumer product launches with significant revenueConducting decentralized clinical trials
Rewards can also flow directly to users of bioDAO products, incentivizing biohackers to perform activities like:
Contributing to clinical trials or self-reporting health dataUsing bioDAO products (Follistatin, Vitarna, cybernetic implants, etc.)Buying bioDAO products in online/offline stores

IP Tokens
Intellectual Property Tokens ("IP-Tokens" or "IPTs"), pioneered by Molecule AG, represent fractional governance rights over the intellectual property (IP) generated. These tokens give holders opportunity to participate directly in the development, decision-making, and future directions of the research.
BioDAOs & IPTs
BioDAOs develop and acquire ownership in IP-Tokens. Each BioDAO typically holds a portfolio of IP-Tokens representing intellectual property related to the BioDAO's specific area of scientific research. VitaDAO, for instance, developed and owns stakes in the IPTs VitaRNA and VITA-FAST.
BIO is a network of bioDAOs that each specialize in developing research and products in a specific scientific field, such as longevity science (VitaDAO), brain health (CerebrumDAO) and synthetic biology (ValleyDAO).
The bioDAOs listed in the table below were either incubated by or closely affiliated with the ecosystem, and as such are expected to play an active role in the future development and governance of the BIO protocol.
BIO Token
BIO is the native governance token of the BIO protocol. BIO may be used by holders to:
Signal which bioDAOs to support (curation)Vote on future BIO issuance or distribution; andImplement accelerator programs for the development of the network
The BIO token provides holders with access to:
Governance rights in network bioDAOsEarly bioDAO funding roundsFinancial rewards for health data contributions & clinical trial participationNew health products funded by bioDAOs
The BIO token was issued by Association, a not-for-profit organization that serves as legal steward of the BIO infrastructure and treasury.
BIO token contract: 0xcb1592591996765Ec0eFc1f92599A19767ee5ffAvBIO (vesting BIO) token contract: 0x0d2ADB4Af57cdac02d553e7601456739857D2eF4
Initial Distribution
Total Supply: 3,320,000,000
BIO Token Status: Non-transferrable
Max Supply: Uncapped supply, to be voted on by BIO governance.
New BIO can be minted for future protocol or network growth. This requires deploying a new token contract to replace the current BIO token.
BIO Allocation at Genesis
BIO's total supply at Genesis will be split across eight categories described in the chart and table below.

Community: 56%Community Auction: 20%Community Airdrop: 6%Ecosystem Incentives: 25%Molecule Ecosystem Fund: 5%Investors: 13.6%Core Contributors: 21.2%Advisors: 4.2%Molecule: 5%
Unlocked BIO Supply Schedules
Unlocked supply differs from circulating supply, this is the total supply that is unlocked and can be used, but not necessarily deployed.

Circulating Supply Distribution in the first 3 years
Given the 6 year vesting schedules of core team and investors, the following section gives a break down of the circulating supply distribution at the end of the first 3 years. This excludes any community directed inflation.

BIO inflation plays a role in the secondary market liquidity function of the protocol, and therefore only inflates as the network of bioDAOs grow. Specific details on the inflation rate is TBD.
BIO Token Utility
BIO is a governance utility token for the governance of the BIO protocol.
BIO protocol governance may include decisions on:
Curation of BioDAOs joining the BIO NetworkTerms for participation in BioDAOs and their IP token salesSupport for and discounts on BioDAO health products/servicesMeta-governance within member BioDAOsBIO emissions, treasury allocations, and BIO protocol upgrades
BIO Value Accrual
The BIO treasury accrues value through a variety of mechanisms, including:
Token Allocations
BIO Network provides incubated BioDAOs with a $100,000 grant in exchange for 6.9% of the BioDAO’s token supply. These token allocation accrue in the BIO Treasury, growing protocol AUM as the network underlying DAOs rise in the value. The BIO treasury can also receive allocations of bioDAO scientific IP assets.
Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL)
The BIO treasury accrues fees and yields from its onchain liquidity in BIO tokens, BioDAO tokens, IP tokens, ETH, and other assets, building POL.
BIO Genesis (Token Launch)
The design for BIO Genesis 2 was voted on by BIO governance in BIOPSY-10. BIO Genesis is designed to seed the network with liquidity and generate a diversified treasury for the protocol that can be used to support funding, liquidity, governance and incentives for BioDAOs in the network.
The details for BIO Genesis 1 can be found in BIOPSY-7.
BIO Airdrop
You can check eligibility and claim the BIO Airdrop here:
Full details of the BIO Airdrop can be found in BIOPSY-3.
3% of BIO supply airdropped>8,500 addresses qualifiedThe snapshot for the aidrop was taken on April 1, 2024Users claim vBIO (vested BIO) that is immediately redeemable for $BIOThe $BIO token is non-transferrable until governance votes to unlock it.
Eligibility Criteria:
Placed bids in bioDAO* auctionsHeld >$100 of bioDAO tokens before April 1, 2024Provided liquidity for bioDAO tokensActively participated in bioDAO DiscordsCore contributor at a bioDAODonate to DeSci projects on Gitcoin (Round 15, 17 & Hyper DeSci were included with minimum of $50 total donations)

The airdrop is fully vested upon claiming. The BIO token is currently non-transferable. For technical reasons, we distribute all tokens through the vBIO contract. Airdrop recipients may convert their vBIO into BIO at any time, although there is no practical reason to do so until BIO becomes transferable, as determined by a governance vote.
bioGenesis Airdrop
There was also a small airdrop, amounting to 1% of the total supply, allocated to the initial BIO core community which consists of individuals who have contributed to building and participating in the program over its first 2 years. The terms for this airdrop include a 1-year cliff followed by a 6-year vesting period, managed through the vBIO contract.
BIO Launchpool Details:
Token Name: BIO Protocol (BIO)Max Token Supply: 3,320,000,000 BIO (dynamic, may increase via network governance) Total Genesis Token Supply: 3,320,000,000 BIO Launchpool Token Rewards: 99,600,000 BIO (3% of total genesis token supply)Initial Circulating Supply When Listed on Binance Spot: 1,296,529,168 BIO (39.05% of total genesis token supply)Research Report: BIO Protocol (BIO)
Hourly Hard Cap per User: 35,275 BIO in BNB pool6,225 BIO in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools: 
Lock BNB (webpage will be available in around 12 hours): 84,660,000 BIO in rewards (85%) Lock FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 12 hours): 14,940,000 BIO in rewards (15%)Farming Period: 2024-12-24 00:00 (UTC) to 2025-01-02 23:59 (UTC).

Instructions for Staking BNB and FDUSD to join Launchpool

Learn more: Binance Announcements


Meet the BIO Team



Project Links

#Binance #BinanceLaunchpoolBIO #wendy $BNB $FDUSD
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老鮑狂掃散戶,機構瘋搶白菜 美國聯準會(Fed)宣布降息1碼 將聯邦資金利率目標區間下調至4.25%~4.50% 這也是連續第三次調降利率 降息決議雖符外界預期 但美國聯準會主席鮑威爾(Jerome Powell) 會後一番「鷹派」言論 加上預期2025年僅2次降息 也為美股投入震撼彈,四大指數全面應聲下跌。 同時美聯儲主席鮑威爾也表示: 不被允許擁有比特幣,也不希望改變法律。 比特幣一度跳水跌破99000, 散戶紛紛拋售手上的比特幣。 而比特幣現貨 ETF 昨日總淨流入 4.94 億美元 持續 14 日淨流入 ChainCatcher 消息,据 SoSoValue 數據 昨日(美東時間 12 月 17 日)比特幣現貨 ETF 總淨流入 4.94 億美元。 12/13我文章就提到18號聯準會 市場可能會出現波動 12/17 從從MACD來看出現背離 合約的資金費率來到0.01% 估計回落在0.618=10萬大關上下 趁這波補一點現貨 不然等機構撿完就沒囉 市場上總要有人扮黑臉有人扮白臉 不然哪裡有利可圖呢各位看倌老爺 #市场调整后的机会

但美國聯準會主席鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)


而比特幣現貨 ETF 昨日總淨流入 4.94 億美元
持續 14 日淨流入
ChainCatcher 消息,据 SoSoValue 數據
昨日(美東時間 12 月 17 日)比特幣現貨 ETF
總淨流入 4.94 億美元。

12/17 從從MACD來看出現背離

$TRX Price Prediction 2025🤔
#加密用户突破1800万 金融科技公司Triple A 在6/1發布了一份題為 《2024年全球加密貨幣所有權狀況》的報告 深入研究了全球加密貨幣所有權趨勢 及其在金融生態系統中的演變作用。 Triple A創始人兼首席執行官Eric Barbier 在報告前言中寫道:「如今,全球有5.62億人 擁有某種或各種形式的數位貨幣 高於2023年的4.2億。換言之,全球6.8%的人口 擁有並使用數位貨幣。」報告指出 亞洲正在引領這一浪潮 擁有加密貨幣的人口數量 從2.682億增加到3.268億,增長了21.8% 北美緊隨其後從5210萬上升到7220萬,增長了38.6% 加密貨幣使用者達全球人口7.51% 隨著比特幣(BTC)、以太幣(ETH) 現貨ETF通過監管機構批准後 各大傳統金融巨頭如貝萊德(BlackRock) 還有美國🇺🇸總統川普大力支持下 明年將可能會突破8%以上 在穩定幣和比特幣的持續發展之下 加密貨幣似乎正朝著更加主流的方向邁進 在資產成長過程當中 選擇幣安也是最安全且最放心的地方 $BNB

金融科技公司Triple A 在6/1發布了一份題為
Triple A創始人兼首席執行官Eric Barbier


從MACD來看出現背離 資金費率來到0.01% 如果還沒進場的朋友 交易密集帶在96000附近 從斐波那契回撤來找 0.618大概在10萬 0.382也是95000上下 18號美聯儲公布升息降息 可能會出現價格波動 請各位朋友注意倉位 不構成投資建議 虧錢請回家找媽媽👩 #圣诞行情预测

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