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The Baking Sheet - Issue #187
Tezos Triumphs: Oxford 2 passes, Agoria's art fusion at Musée d'Orsay, X World Games joins the ecosystem, and DAL is coming.

Great news for the Tezos community! The Oxford 2 proposal has officially passed as the 15th protocol upgrade, showcasing a strong commitment from the bakers with an impressive 70% participation. This achievement reflects the collective effort of the community to drive Tezos toward continued innovation.

As we enter the adoption period, it's a crucial time for implementing the new changes brought by Oxford 2. For those keen on understanding the specifics of Tezos governance and the new features added, Tezos Agora is the perfect place to start. What’s next? As we unpack timelocks and upgraded smart rollups, one thing is certain: the development teams are hard at work on Proposal P.

Musée d'Orsay's Latest Exhibit: Agoria's {Orsay Code} Melds Art with Tech

Get ready, art and Tezos enthusiasts! The Musée d'Orsay is embarking on an exciting venture with its upcoming showcase, {Orsay Code}, featuring the innovative work of artist Agoria. From 13 February to 10 March 2024, visitors can experience a unique combination of digital art, insightful discussions, and an exclusive DJ set, all part of a collaboration with the Tezos Foundation.

Agoria: A Fusion of Art and Science

Agoria, a prominent figure in both the Web3 digital art scene and the electronic music world, is blending the realms of art and science. Sébastien Devaud, aka Agoria, uses algorithms, AI, and data from nature to create immersive art that lives in both physical and virtual spaces. His collaboration with scientists leads to thought-provoking pieces that bridge art, music, and the natural world.

Agoria's pieces, developed on the Tezos blockchain, are the highlights of the exhibition. "Σ Lumina" invites audience participation and experimentation, while his interpretation of Courbet's "The Painter's Studio" marries art with scientific thought, showcasing the harmony of digital and physical artistry.

The Palette of Details: What You Need to Know

Here's a snapshot of what to expect from the {Orsay Code} exhibit:

- Exhibition Dates: 13 February to 10 March 2024.

- Featured Artist: Sébastien Devaud, known as Agoria.

- Art Meets Science: Agoria's works integrate algorithms, AI, and natural data.

- Web3 Influence: A fresh look at the 19th-century art collection through the lens of modern digital technology.

- Key Exhibits: "Σ Lumina" and an innovative take on Gustave Courbet's "The Painter's Studio."

- Musical Tribute: Agoria's special track and live DJ set at the museum.

- Collaboration: A year-long partnership with the Tezos Foundation.

- Venue: Musée d'Orsay, a center for artistic and technological exploration.

Beyond the visual arts, Agoria will present a musical piece dedicated to the Musée d'Orsay. This composition will be previewed on 13 February, culminating in a live DJ set in the museum's nave on 23 February.

Agoria's Vision

Agoria seeks to create a seamless connection between tangible and digital art forms, making the digital experience as vivid as traditional brush strokes. His work at the Musée d'Orsay encourages viewers to perceive art in a novel way, where history and present-day creativity coexist and enrich each other.

In summary, the Musée d'Orsay's {Orsay Code} exhibition, led by Agoria, promises to be a not-to-be-missed event. It presents an opportunity to witness the seamless integration of historic art with modern technology, offering a new perspective on artistic expression in the digital age. If you're keen to explore the evolving landscape of art, this exhibition is a must-visit.

Key Dates

February 13, 2024: The event begins, featuring the premiere of Agoria’s musical tribute to the Musée d’Orsay.

February 22, 2024: A conference at the Musée d’Orsay, where Agoria and the scientific collaborators will discuss the union of digital art and science.

February 23, 2024: Agoria’s DJ set performance in the museum’s nave, celebrating the fusion of electronic music with the museum’s heritage.

March 10, 2024: The closing of the {Le code d’Orsay} event.

Guests at the {Orsay Code} exhibition will have the unique opportunity to acquire their own digital artwork, thanks to the collaboration with fx(hash) and Feral File, both powered by Tezos. This exciting feature elevates the interactive experience, enabling visitors to take a part in the digital art journey home with them.

AMA with Arthur Breitman

📅 Date & Time: Monday, January 29th at 18:00 UTC

Join us for an insightful session with Tezos Co-Founder Arthur Breitman in our monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything). This is your chance to engage directly and get answers to your burning questions about Tezos.

 Set Your Reminder Here: Join the AMA

📢 Have Questions? Submit them using the hashtag #TezosAMA on X

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the co-founder of Tezos as he answers questions from the Tezos community.

This Week in the Tezos Ecosystem

X World Games Joins Forces with TZAPAC

Exciting times are ahead for Web3 gaming, as X World Games announces its partnership with TZAPAC, for the purpose to support games being built on Tezos. This collaboration signifies a major step in enhancing the gaming ecosystem on Tezos as X World Games has over 1 million registered users on their platform.

X World Games: Pioneering the Web3 Gaming Space

X World Games stands at the forefront of the Web3 gaming arena, recognized as the first cross-play and cross-game platform. It harnesses cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, to drive user engagement and elevate its service offerings.

Core Components of X World Games

X World Games thrives on four key pillars:

X Swap: A Dex and Pool platform that integrates DeFi and LSDfi mechanisms like NFT staking and token lending, enhanced by AI to introduce intricate financial models for improved efficiency.

X Marketplace: This dynamic NFT trading platform employs AI algorithms for optimized user-asset pairing, ensuring a seamless and personalized trading experience.

X Social: A dedicated blockchain Dapp connecting Web3 gamers.

X Games: A hub of enjoyable Web3 games, offering a diverse gaming experience.

These elements work in harmony to fortify X World Games' mission of creating an interoperable, scalable, and equitable Web3 gaming ecosystem. The platform facilitates easy blockchain integration for game publishers and offers an engaging, user-friendly experience for players.

We look forward to seeing X World Games' partnership with TZAPAC and its impact on the Tezos gaming ecosystem as it promises to bring a new level of innovation, scalability, and community engagement.

This Week in Tezos Development

The Data-Availability Layer is Coming to Tezos – Now on Testnet | Nomadic Labs

Nomadic Labs has launched the Data-Availability Layer (DAL) on Tezos’ Weeklynet, inviting bakers and rollup operators to participate in testing this new "rollup booster".

Key Points to Note:

DAL Functionality: The DAL operates as a permissionless peer-to-peer network alongside Layer 1, allowing rollup transaction data (Layer 2) to be published outside of Layer 1 blocks. Layer 1 bakers monitor and attest to data availability on the DAL.

Testing on Weeklynet: The DAL is expected to go live on Mainnet in 2024, with current testing on Weeklynet to prepare for this transition.

Rollout Plan: The introduction of the DAL on Mainnet will be phased, initially without baker incentives and with optional participation, later integrating baker incentives as a core part of the baker role.

Community Involvement: Feedback from bakers and rollup operators is crucial to ensure a robust and efficient DAL network. Testers can share their experiences and suggestions on Tezos Agora.

Resources for Getting Started:

Technical Documentation: Learn more about the DAL

Setting Up a DAL Node: Tutorial for DAL node setup

Using DAL with Smart Rollups: Tutorial on Smart Rollup and DAL integration

The Future of Tezos with DAL:

The DAL is envisioned as a cornerstone for Tezos’ future, supporting innovations like Etherlink and Tezos 2.0. This development is a testament to Tezos’ commitment to technological advancement and community-driven innovation. By participating in the testing and providing feedback, the Tezos community plays a pivotal role in shaping this new chapter of the blockchain’s evolution.

For more detailed insights and to become a part of this journey, explore the resources provided and contribute to the discussions on Tezos Agora.

Now Streaming

TezTalks Radio — Diane Drubay

Join us as we explore Diane's journey and her collaborative projects with top-tier institutions like Musée d’Orsay and Berlin ISM that are building on Tezos

Now Streaming Everywhere:

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en este mercado alcista, Tezos tiene mucho potencial para despegar como un cohete. #tezos $XTZ #bullish
en este mercado alcista, Tezos tiene mucho potencial para despegar como un cohete.

The Baking Sheet - Issue #181
Explore the latest in the Tezos ecosystem, from the strategic integration of Ethereum in fx(hash) 2.0, enhancing the digital art scene, to the thrilling TrackMind racing simulator, to the inventive Ziggurats updates by Mike Shinoda, to the all culminating in the creative #tezpole contest.

Welcome to the fx(hash) 2.0 Era

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital art, a seismic shift is occurring, one where the underdog, Tezos, isn't just participating but leading the charge. The launch of fx(hash) 2.0 isn't just another update; it's a strategic play that positions Tezos at the forefront of the generative art era.

Tezos: The Unsung Hero of Digital Art

Since its inception, fx(hash) has been a beacon of innovation on the Tezos blockchain. Known for its energy efficiency and low transaction costs, Tezos has been the silent workhorse powering some of the most groundbreaking digital art pieces. With fx(hash) 2.0, this platform takes a bold step, integrating Ethereum while firmly keeping its roots in Tezos. This move isn't a departure but a reinforcement of Tezos's pioneering role in the digital art space.

Ethereum Integration: A Boon for Tezos

The inclusion of Ethereum, one of the giants in the blockchain world, in fx(hash) 2.0 is a strategic masterstroke for Tezos. By opening its doors to Ethereum, fx(hash) invites a new audience to explore the efficiency and creativity fostered within the Tezos ecosystem. This isn't just about sharing space; it's about showcasing Tezos's strengths to a broader audience, underlining its capability to stand toe-to-toe with giants.

The Ripple Effect on Tezos Users

For the Tezos community, the integration of Ethereum is far from a compromise. It's an opportunity for expansion and exposure. Ethereum users, drawn to fx(hash) for its innovative approach to generative art, get a front-row seat to the benefits of Tezos. This isn't just cross-chain interaction; it's a showcase of Tezos's robustness, potentially leading to an influx of new users and artists into the Tezos ecosystem, further solidifying its position as a leader in the digital art world.

A New Era of Inclusivity and Innovation

By embracing Ethereum, fx(hash) 2.0 is making a statement: Tezos is not an isolated ecosystem but a thriving hub of innovation that's confident enough to engage with other blockchain communities. This inclusivity underscores Tezos's maturity and foresight, traits essential in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Tezos: The Backbone of fx(hash) 2.0

As fx(hash) ventures into this new chapter, it's crucial to remember that Tezos remains the backbone of this platform. The integration of Ethereum doesn't overshadow Tezos's achievements; rather, it highlights the chain's adaptability and its pivotal role in shaping the future of generative art.

Looking Ahead

The journey of fx(hash) 2.0 is more than a technical upgrade; it's a strategic enhancement that propels Tezos into the global spotlight. It's a narrative about an ecosystem that's not content with just participating but is determined to lead and redefine the boundaries of digital creativity.

TrackMind on Tezos: Where Strategy Meets Speed

In the high-octane world of racing, a new challenger has emerged, shifting gears and expectations. It's not a new supercar or a legendary driver. It's TrackMind, a game where strategy and speed collide, all powered by the Tezos blockchain. This isn't just about crossing the finish line; it's about mastering the art of racing from the manager's seat.

The Ultimate Racing Team Manager Simulator

Picture yourself at the helm of a racing team, where every decision echoes on the asphalt. TrackMind isn't your run-of-the-mill racing game; it's a test of your mettle as a team manager. With over 3,000 scenarios, each race is a new track to conquer, a new weather pattern to navigate, and a tire dilemma to solve. It's like playing chess at 200 miles per hour.

A High-Speed Chess Game

Every scenario in TrackMind is a strategic puzzle. Will you opt for wet tires as the clouds gather, or risk slicks for that extra speed? Each choice sends ripples through the race, impacting your team's performance. The thrill isn't just in the speed; it's in the strategy. And the reward for your tactical brilliance? Unique digital collectibles, minted on Tezos.

Victory Lane Rewards

In the world of TrackMind, victory tastes sweeter with a touch of digital rarity. The tokens you earn are more than just virtual trophies; they're a mark of your skill, a digital asset you truly own. Display them, trade them, or hold onto them as a memento of your racing acumen. The Tezos blockchain ensures these collectibles are as authentic as your victory.

Ready to Burn Rubber?

So, buckle up, strategists and racing aficionados. TrackMind is calling you to the starting line. It's more than a game; it's a journey into the heart of racing, where your strategic decisions lead to digital glory. And it's all happening on the cutting-edge track of the Tezos blockchain.

Start your engines and head over to The race is on, and the track is waiting.

This Week in the Tezos Ecosystem

Mike Shinoda from the iconic band Linkin Park, dropped a bombshell of new features this week for Ziggurat holders and it's all happening on 

Unlock the Digital World with KEYS

First up, let's talk about KEYS — KEYS can be used to snag deals on digital items or to unlock hidden areas of the site.

Music to Your Ears: Token Gated MUSIC for Ziggurats Holders

Music lovers, rejoice! Ziggurats is now offering token-gated MUSIC exclusively for Ziggurats holders. This is a game-changer, giving token holders access to unique musical experiences that are just a few clicks away.

A New Realm of Digital Art: THE BAZAAR

THE BAZAAR, Ziggurats' digital art gallery, is also getting a makeover. New digital art pieces are being added, turning THE BAZAAR into a constantly evolving museum just like Tezos.

Daily Dose of Creativity: AI-Assisted DAILY AUCTION Art

And for those who crave a daily hit of art, Ziggurats introduces the DAILY AUCTION. Every day brings a new piece, a new creation — check it out at 

The #Tezpole Movement: Showcasing Creativity on Tezos

In an exciting turn of events, the Tezos community is buzzing with the launch of the #Tezpole from Art Basel and we want to keep building on that momentum.

The #Tezpole movement encapsulates the essence of what makes the Tezos community so special – its strength and boundless creativity. Participants are encouraged to mint their own #Tezpole NFT by December 24th, showcasing their unique artistic take on the theme. By displaying these creations on platform X, using the hashtags #Tezpole and #crp, artists not only get to share their work but also contribute to the rich tapestry of Tezos's digital art scene.

Adding to the excitement, there's a reward on the line. One lucky winner, chosen at random, will receive a grand prize of 500 tez.

The #Tezpole contest is designed to be inclusive, ensuring that even those who have already minted a #Tezpole meme prior to the announcement are not left out. By simply tagging #crp on their existing mint with a reply post, these early birds are automatically entered into the contest.

Calling All Tezos Artists

So, let's see those iconic #Tezpole mints! The stage is set, the community is watching, and the canvas of Tezos awaits your creativity. This contest is not just a moment in time; it's a chapter in the ongoing story of Tezos's vibrant and flourishing art community.

This Week in Tezos Development

Oxford 2 Proposal is now underway

Now is the Time to Vote — Bakers, let’s demonstrate one of the Tezos’ greatest strength, on-chain governance, and reach a community consensus. Follow all the action at Tezos Agora!What You Need to Know: Oxford 2 in a Nutshell

Before diving deeper, here's a quick summary of what Oxford 2 brings to the table:

Adaptive Issuance and Staking Mechanism Disabled: Oxford 2 hits pause on these features, ensuring they're fully baked before going live.

Automated Staking for Bakers: A transition to an easier staking process for bakers, streamlining their operational flow.

Revised Slashing Penalties: The stakes have changed, with penalties for missteps now more proportionate.

Timelocks Reintroduced: Enhanced for better security, Timelocks are back to fortify the network's defenses.

Private Smart Rollups: A new twist in the rollup saga, offering privacy and control for specific applications.

Quality-of-Life Improvements for Developers: Making life easier for those building the Tezos ecosystem.

Now Streaming

TezTalks Live — HomeBase Updates

Join us as we sit down yet again with Andrei Taranu, Product Manager at dOrg. Andrei is on one of the teams behind the Homebase DAO platform, the go-to DAO creation and management platform for the Tezos ecosystem.

During the stream, we'll discuss new updates coming to Homebase and how you can spin up and create a DAO in just a matter of minutes!

Now Streaming:


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#En el próximo mercado alcista es importante tener las monedas correctas . Un token que me ha llamado la atención es $LTO , el valor que tiene al escribir esta publicación es de 0.076, ¿pero que es lto network?. La red LTO es una Cadena de bloques de capa 1 con una capa pública y privada para cerrar la brecha entre la propiedad digital y el mundo real, las identidades descentralizadas y de privacidad. Antes de invertir, realiza tu propia investigación. #BTCRally #bullmarket #lto $LTO
#En el próximo mercado alcista es importante tener las monedas correctas .

Un token que me ha llamado la atención es $LTO , el valor que tiene al escribir esta publicación es de 0.076, ¿pero que es lto network?.

La red LTO es una Cadena de bloques de capa 1 con una capa pública y privada para cerrar la brecha entre la propiedad digital y el mundo real, las identidades descentralizadas y de privacidad.

Antes de invertir, realiza tu propia investigación.
TEZOS It's one of my big bets for this really bullish. The future of the internet is being built on Tezos–with user participation and governance at its core. Users can directly and frictionlessly interface with each other over a decentralized network, exchanging value and interacting with various applications, without the need for intermediaries. On Tezos, Web3 can be a truly user-governed and user-centric movement, the way it was meant to be. $XTZ #XTZ #bullish #Web3

It's one of my big bets for this really bullish.

The future of the internet is being built on Tezos–with user participation and governance at its core. Users can directly and frictionlessly interface with each other over a decentralized network, exchanging value and interacting with various applications, without the need for intermediaries. On Tezos, Web3 can be a truly user-governed and user-centric movement, the way it was meant to be.

El precio de #SOL ha incrementado 80%. en gráfico de 1 dia parece ir buscar los 44 dólares . sin embargo en gráfico semanal , parece ir más allá de los 44 dólares por unidad . #Solana #SOL
El precio de #SOL ha incrementado 80%. en gráfico de 1 dia parece ir buscar los 44 dólares .

sin embargo en gráfico semanal , parece ir más allá de los 44 dólares por unidad .

Propios y extraños del mundo de bitcoin (BTC) están atentos a cada paso que da la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) con respecto a la aprobación (o rechazo) de los fondos cotizado en bolsa (ETF) al contado basados en la moneda digital. Uno de esos que mira fijamente a la SEC, es el abogado especialista criptomonedas John Deaton, quien establece dos escenarios posibles para el futuro de los ETF de bitcoin. En el primero de los escenarios, Deaton da por hecho que la agencia reguladora ha “capitulado” ante la presencia de los instrumentos financieros y su aprobación será inminente. En este escenario, “la aprobación [de los ETF], antes de finales de este año o antes de finales del 1er trimestre de 2024, es una certeza”, señala. Al igual que Deaton, la mayoría de los analistas ven muy probable que estos productos financieros seas finalmente aprobados. Los especialistas de Bloomberg Intelligence, Eric Balchunas y James Seyffart, creen que hay un 90% de probabilidades de que el ETF finalmente se apruebe. Calculan que el hecho se concretará a inicios de enero de 2024 El segundo escenario planteado por el abogado es el más negativo. Deaton considera que la SEC también puede estar “recopilando más información durante estas discusiones para encontrar una razón diferente para negar los ETF spot de bitcoin”. Esta sería, a su juicio, la mayor maniobra “engaño/estafa” en la historia de la SEC y no descarta que se pueda llevar a cabo.
Propios y extraños del mundo de bitcoin (BTC) están atentos a cada paso que da la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) con respecto a la aprobación (o rechazo) de los fondos cotizado en bolsa (ETF) al contado basados en la moneda digital.

Uno de esos que mira fijamente a la SEC, es el abogado especialista criptomonedas John Deaton, quien establece dos escenarios posibles para el futuro de los ETF de bitcoin.

En el primero de los escenarios, Deaton da por hecho que la agencia reguladora ha “capitulado” ante la presencia de los instrumentos financieros y su aprobación será inminente. En este escenario, “la aprobación [de los ETF], antes de finales de este año o antes de finales del 1er trimestre de 2024, es una certeza”, señala.

Al igual que Deaton, la mayoría de los analistas ven muy probable que estos productos financieros seas finalmente aprobados. Los especialistas de Bloomberg Intelligence, Eric Balchunas y James Seyffart, creen que hay un 90% de probabilidades de que el ETF finalmente se apruebe. Calculan que el hecho se concretará a inicios de enero de 2024

El segundo escenario planteado por el abogado es el más negativo. Deaton considera que la SEC también puede estar “recopilando más información durante estas discusiones para encontrar una razón diferente para negar los ETF spot de bitcoin”. Esta sería, a su juicio, la mayor maniobra “engaño/estafa” en la historia de la SEC y no descarta que se pueda llevar a cabo.
¿Etf de bitcoin ? sin lugar a duda esto es lo más esperado por el mercado 💹 cripto, que actualmente está lleno e controversias sobre el Etf más esperado . ¿Cuál crees que será el desenlace de todo esto ?#Bitcoin #BlackRock #ETF
¿Etf de bitcoin ?
sin lugar a duda esto es lo más esperado por el mercado 💹 cripto, que actualmente está lleno e controversias sobre el Etf más esperado .

¿Cuál crees que será el desenlace de todo esto ?#Bitcoin
El ETF de bitcoin (BTC) de BlackRock, denominado «iShares Bitcoin Trust», está ahora listado en la DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation). Esta es la entidad que, según explica Nasdaq, se encarga de la compensación, liquidación y servicio de valores en el mercado estadounidense. Significa que ahora el ETF, con el ticker IBTC, está oficialmente reconocido. Todavía está pendiente que la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) estadounidense, apruebe el producto financiero. Pero, según explica Eric Balchunas, especialista de Bloomberg Intelligence, BlackRock va por el camino acertado: #BTC #BlackRock #ETF
El ETF de bitcoin (BTC) de BlackRock, denominado «iShares Bitcoin Trust», está ahora listado en la DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation).

Esta es la entidad que, según explica Nasdaq, se encarga de la compensación, liquidación y servicio de valores en el mercado estadounidense. Significa que ahora el ETF, con el ticker IBTC, está oficialmente reconocido.

Todavía está pendiente que la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) estadounidense, apruebe el producto financiero. Pero, según explica Eric Balchunas, especialista de Bloomberg Intelligence, BlackRock va por el camino acertado:
Solana se encuentra en una posición crítica en su gráfico, con la posibilidad de superar la resistencia del cuello una vez más. Esta resistencia del cuello es un punto crucial en el gráfico que marca el umbral para el impulso alcista. Históricamente, superar este punto a menudo indica el potencial de una tendencia alcista sostenida, sugiriendo ganancias adicionales en el futuro cercano. En el caso de Solana, esto significaría un fuerte regreso después de sus recientes caídas, reforzando su posición como un jugador dominante en el espacio cripto. Además, los observadores atentos podrían anticipar la posibilidad de un cruce dorado. Esto ocurre cuando un promedio móvil a corto plazo cruza por encima de un promedio móvil a largo plazo, lo que generalmente indica un posible despegue alcista. Tal movimiento a menudo se considera una señal de compra significativa entre los entusiastas de las criptomonedas y podría atraer una avalancha de inversiones en Solana. El gráfico diario, con sus promedios móviles entrelazados, sugiere que dicho cruce podría estar en el horizonte. #Solana $SOL
Solana se encuentra en una posición crítica en su gráfico, con la posibilidad de superar la resistencia del cuello una vez más. Esta resistencia del cuello es un punto crucial en el gráfico que marca el umbral para el impulso alcista. Históricamente, superar este punto a menudo indica el potencial de una tendencia alcista sostenida, sugiriendo ganancias adicionales en el futuro cercano. En el caso de Solana, esto significaría un fuerte regreso después de sus recientes caídas, reforzando su posición como un jugador dominante en el espacio cripto.

Además, los observadores atentos podrían anticipar la posibilidad de un cruce dorado. Esto ocurre cuando un promedio móvil a corto plazo cruza por encima de un promedio móvil a largo plazo, lo que generalmente indica un posible despegue alcista. Tal movimiento a menudo se considera una señal de compra significativa entre los entusiastas de las criptomonedas y podría atraer una avalancha de inversiones en Solana. El gráfico diario, con sus promedios móviles entrelazados, sugiere que dicho cruce podría estar en el horizonte.

SEC desestima la demanda contra Brad Garlinghouse y Chris Larsen; ejecutivos de Ripple La demanda civil contra los ejecutivos de Ripple estaban abiertas desde diciembre de 2020. Los abogados que representan a la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) de Estados Unidos anunciaron que buscarán desestimar todas las acusaciones contra el CEO de Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, y el cofundador Chris Larsen. En un archivo presentado el 19 de octubre en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, la SEC notificó al tribunal que las partes involucradas en su caso contra Ripple "han acordado la desestimación con prejuicio", lo que sugiere que no es necesario programar un próximo juicio. El archivo no indicó que la SEC retiraba su caso civil contra Ripple en sí, presentado por primera vez en 2020. "La SEC y Ripple tienen la intención de reunirse y conferir sobre un posible calendario de presentación con respecto al problema pendiente en el caso, cuáles son los remedios adecuados contra Ripple por sus violaciones de la Sección 5 con respecto a sus ventas institucionales de XRP, y respetuosamente solicitan hasta el 9 de noviembre de 2023 para proponer dicho calendario al tribunal o, si las partes no pueden ponerse de acuerdo, buscar un calendario de presentación del tribunal de manera controvertida", declaró el archivo. #Ripple #SEC #Criptomonedas
SEC desestima la demanda contra Brad Garlinghouse y Chris Larsen; ejecutivos de Ripple

La demanda civil contra los ejecutivos de Ripple estaban abiertas desde diciembre de 2020.

Los abogados que representan a la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) de Estados Unidos anunciaron que buscarán desestimar todas las acusaciones contra el CEO de Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, y el cofundador Chris Larsen.

En un archivo presentado el 19 de octubre en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, la SEC notificó al tribunal que las partes involucradas en su caso contra Ripple "han acordado la desestimación con prejuicio", lo que sugiere que no es necesario programar un próximo juicio. El archivo no indicó que la SEC retiraba su caso civil contra Ripple en sí, presentado por primera vez en 2020.

"La SEC y Ripple tienen la intención de reunirse y conferir sobre un posible calendario de presentación con respecto al problema pendiente en el caso, cuáles son los remedios adecuados contra Ripple por sus violaciones de la Sección 5 con respecto a sus ventas institucionales de XRP, y respetuosamente solicitan hasta el 9 de noviembre de 2023 para proponer dicho calendario al tribunal o, si las partes no pueden ponerse de acuerdo, buscar un calendario de presentación del tribunal de manera controvertida", declaró el archivo.
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