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#sui 来自一直已破产鲸鱼的自述,希望对你有帮助 500美金怎么赚到1个亿美金,听我娓娓道来 1.去年3月份铭文横空出世,ordi在100美金一张的时候梭哈了5张,5000美金时候清仓。 2,6月以太铭文eths出现,80美金买了100张,5000美金的时候清仓 3,在比特币铭文sats打到80%的时候,梭哈了50万美金进去,卖了300万美金。 ⛽️此时,对部分人来说可以退圈了,我没有,因为我看上了另外一个标的,就是sui 4,去年11月的时候5倍杠杆开进去了250万美金,20万美金在武汉买了一套房,剩余的钱我都忘了怎么花的了,今年3月的时候基本平掉所有仓位了,只留了个底仓,这个时候,我的资产是1000万美金 5,期间一直在等机会再次入场sui,我十分看好它,现在也是 6,机会终于来临了,今年在sui0.5的时候,全仓买了现货。然后就放在借贷平台质押 7,灰度要购买sui的时候,我开始从质押平台借贷,然后买入sui再存进去再贷款买,就是这样循环借贷。资金达到了1个亿美金 爆仓的原因,是因为我借贷的质押率太高了。在sui下跌到2.99的时候,我的质押率达到了75%,被清算了 故事到这里应该结束了吗?不会,我的心态还好,币圈不缺机会,就当是学了一个教训吧,昂贵的教训 这会sui又拉上来了,我真的哭死😭 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $SUI

#btc 比特币去年大涨无非两个因素推动,第一个就是降息,第二个就是川普登基。而今今年估计不会降息了,而川普欺骗了币圈。我找不到什么理由认为2025年是牛市,熊市📉来临
#sui 在币圈,2个月牛市,10个月熊市。 做空比做多好,上半年做空发财 $btc
#sui 你们少买点,我还要抄底呢,再次回到3吧,球球啦
#sui 谈谈我为什么价值投资sui 区块链一直都是少数人的游戏,这项伟大发明一直未能普及大众,某一天它一定会做到普及,而做到这个的项目,不是btc,不是eth,更不是solona ,我觉得会是sui 蛋糕必须越做越大,发明必须普及大众,这是一定的,这才是正能量的 如果sui能普及60亿人口,那会是怎样的盛世? 如果在10年之内完成,而sui的解锁在那时还不到45%,sui的价格会达到多少? 跌是短期投机客的封墓,是价值投资者的盛宴 我会资金分三次抄底sui,第一次在3 第二次在2.5,第三次在2。如果跌破2,我就卖房梭哈$SUI {spot}(SUIUSDT) $BTC
区块链一直都是少数人的游戏,这项伟大发明一直未能普及大众,某一天它一定会做到普及,而做到这个的项目,不是btc,不是eth,更不是solona ,我觉得会是sui

Unlock Sui With the Right Wallet
Whether you are just getting started with Sui or are an existing user exploring new wallet options, it's important to find a wallet that fits your needs. Wallets are your gateway to Sui, allowing you to not only store, send, and receive assets, but also interact with apps built on Sui.

While there is a spectrum of wallet options available on Sui, users who want to experience Sui to the fullest will likely prefer a non-custodial wallet for their day-to-day usage, as these wallets balance functionality while remaining simple to use. 

Using a non-custodial wallet oftentimes requires the user to manage their private keys—essentially the keys to the safe. It is important to follow best practices for securing your wallet and it’s often recommended to use a hardware device, such as a Ledger product, to further secure your wallet.

Here’s a look at the wallets most commonly used in the Sui ecosystem, listed in no particular order:

Surf Wallet

Surf Wallet made waves as the first mobile wallet on Sui to implement zkLogin, enabling seamless onboarding with Web2 credentials. As one of the earliest mobile wallet options, Surf continues to lead in adopting new Sui technologies. Surf is available as a mobile app on iOS and Android as well as a browser extension.


Developed by Mysten Labs, Stashed is a web-based wallet designed to bring new users into the world of blockchain-based apps through a friendly and accessible interface. An extremely powerful feature of Stashed is its ability to send assets by generating and sharing a simple link, that the recipient simply clicks to claim. The Stashed link can be used to transfer multiple assets at once. Being a web-based wallet, there is no mobile app or browser extension, instead, simply navigate to on either desktop or mobile to get started.


Suiet is a browser extension wallet designed with a sleek, Sui-inspired interface. As a standout feature for developers, the Suiet Wallet Kit makes it easy to integrate apps with any Sui wallet. This functionality is invaluable for app developers within the Sui ecosystem. Suiet currently functions as a browser extension, with mobile apps under development.

Sui Wallet

Sui Wallet is the official wallet developed by Mysten Labs, offering a polished and versatile experience. Sui Wallet supports account creation using standard mnemonics or Web2 credentials, such as a Google account, via zkLogin. A built-in Sui Testnet faucet adds convenience for users interacting with apps on Sui Testnet as well. Sui Wallet is available as a browser extension and through iOS and Android apps.


Nightly is a multichain wallet that offers a unique Auto-Confirm feature. Nightly’s Auto-Confirm allows users to set intervals for automatic confirmations ranging from 15 minutes to infinite duration, removing the need for manual confirmations during the set period. This feature is restricted to trusted apps, such as Aftermath and Suilend, enhancing the user experience while encouraging security. Nightly is available as both a browser extension and mobile app on iOS and Android.


Phantom, one of the most widely used wallets in the Solana ecosystem, is now live on Sui. With over seven million monthly active users in 2024, Phantom brings a familiar and trusted experience to Sui, making it easier for users to manage assets across multiple ecosystems. Phantom is available as a browser extension and mobile app on iOS and Android.

Martian Wallet

Martian Wallet stands out by letting users link their X accounts. This feature allows teams and DAOs on Sui to reward users directly through campaigns on X, sending tokens or NFTs directly to their Martian wallet as a reward. Martian Wallet is currently only available as a browser extension, with mobile wallets in development. 

Wave Wallet

Originally designed for the hit Telegram game, Ocean Game, Wave Wallet now offers a Battle Game and is developing more games for its platform. While Wave Wallet is only available as a Telegram wallet, users may still access specific DeFi activities such as staking and trading.

OKX Wallet

OKX Wallet is a multichain solution that is available as a browser extension, mobile app, and even a desktop application for Mac and PC. Additionally, OKX Wallet offers a Telegram wallet integration, offering a unique way to access and interact with assets on Sui.

Backpack on the horizon

Backpack, along with its built-in exchange, is coming soon to Sui. As a wallet, Backpack provides users with a secure and intuitive way to manage digital assets, while its in-house exchange offers a dedicated platform for trading. With support for multiple ecosystems, Backpack offers a familiar option for users from other chains, making it easier for them to explore and engage with Sui. Together, these closely integrated products create a seamless experience for asset management and trading across multiple ecosystems, including Sui.

Begin the journey

The Sui ecosystem offers a diverse range of wallets, each designed to cater to different needs and preferences. As the ecosystem evolves, new wallets will emerge, adding even more functionality and options for users.

When choosing a wallet, consider factors like user interface, features, and login methods to find one that aligns with your goals. Explore and experiment with the options available to discover the wallet that best supports your journey and unlocks the full potential of what Sui has to offer.

Note: This content is for general educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed or relied upon as an endorsement or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any asset, investment or financial product and does not constitute financial, legal, or tax advice.
#sui 去年3月牛走,今年提前了,是1月。可以套现离场了,降息的时候回来,特朗普的政策只对大饼利好 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) $SUI {future}(SUIUSDT) 😂
去年3月牛走,今年提前了,是1月。可以套现离场了,降息的时候回来,特朗普的政策只对大饼利好 $BTC
#sui 拿好手中的价值币,🚗别被洗下车 !现货持有,无惧涨跌,跌其实是好事,适合加仓。目前的公链中我还是没找到一个比sui更有未来的,未来的10年,请君与我一同见证sui的辉煌$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $SUI {future}(SUIUSDT) $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) 👌
拿好手中的价值币,🚗别被洗下车 !现货持有,无惧涨跌,跌其实是好事,适合加仓。目前的公链中我还是没找到一个比sui更有未来的,未来的10年,请君与我一同见证sui的辉煌$BTC

1、关于该不该发币的事。任何事情都有第一次,尤其是不循规蹈矩的美国人!总统发币历史上第一次,很值得骄傲 ,换做是我,我当然也要发,还要一星期发一个,以后有什么治国想法,直接发一个币就完事啦。总结:木已成舟


#trump 这会儿回调了,不怕死的冲进去吧,多买点,特朗普给你发荣誉市民奖,不知道这个奖除了美国以外认不认😂,奥,对了,让老爷子再给你发本美国绿卡就行了,前提是要多买,卖房梭哈 $TRUMP {future}(TRUMPUSDT) $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $SOL
这会儿回调了,不怕死的冲进去吧,多买点,特朗普给你发荣誉市民奖,不知道这个奖除了美国以外认不认😂,奥,对了,让老爷子再给你发本美国绿卡就行了,前提是要多买,卖房梭哈 $TRUMP
#trump 1、关于该不该发币的事。任何事情都有第一次,尤其是不循规蹈矩的美国人!总统发币历史上第一次,很值得骄傲 ,换做是我,我当然也要发,还要一星期发一个,以后有什么治国想法,直接发一个币就完事啦。总结:木已成舟 2、特朗普说过,要让加密货币伟大。现在有两种观点,一种是借伟大之名他肥了自己,收割了除美国加拿大意外全世界,当然有一些人跟着肥了。接下来就看他怎么操作了,是开始割韭菜还是继续建设加密,如果是后者,就是第二种观点。 3、孙割是加密顾问,他的意见在特朗普心中有多重的分量,我非常关心这个。因为孙割出了名的不要脸,如果特朗普像孙割学习,那是一件非常恐怖的事情。孙割虽然名声差,但还是有人跟着赚钱了跪舔,特朗普都快入土了,他也不在乎这个名声,还有更重要的是,他收割的不是美国人,反而会成为美国人口中的英雄! 4、好好看戏吧,总统操盘,还是免费的,机会不可多得!瓜子板凳备好 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $TRUMP {future}(TRUMPUSDT) $SOL
1、关于该不该发币的事。任何事情都有第一次,尤其是不循规蹈矩的美国人!总统发币历史上第一次,很值得骄傲 ,换做是我,我当然也要发,还要一星期发一个,以后有什么治国想法,直接发一个币就完事啦。总结:木已成舟
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