Be Aware Ve Aware Be Aware! Dont Buy Bitcoin Dont Hold Other Coins
Never Forget The main trading rule! Crypto Coins Not more valuable than Your Fund and not you! only Crypto companies Need your money #NeverbuyBitcoin #Btc #Bitcoin
Everyone should know that is the main rule before crypto trading First main rule is that you dont have to Buy unvalued cryptos but Crypto Companies needs your money therefore your money more valuable than crypto Coins #bitcoin #Btc
This is an important announcement to our valued Binance users and Crypto Investors. In futures transactions, we turn your shorts or long positions that have a big loss and are about to become Liq into profit and save you from losing money. Please Follow Me and Share this Post to Other Users. #binance #Binance240MUsers #BTC #bitcoin
Be Aware Of That A few hodler Bitcoin accounts in the past can not change whole of the worlds Ecosystem To able to success Bitcoin İn the Future they must Kill usd /usdt and us economy So, Bitcoin will remain as a tool in the hand of a few Cheaters who are in cooperative actions to gather Usdt /usd al aof the world. #Bitcoin #Btc
We prepaired an official investigation to Open A case About that Binance is manipulate coin prices in the and market Scamming cryptocoin holders #Binanceisacheater
#Anouncement To every accounts BİNANCE manipulate crypto Prices and Crypto Percentages Dont believe your account crypto dahsboard see the details how Binance is Cheating All of You 1) showing the People in their account most shorted cryptos in different Percentages 2 When You see the future or Spot dahsboard which upper trend volumed cryptos in Entirely shorting position #Alpha usdt Check and see the details how Binance is Cheating you #Alpha is shorting by Binance and showing in two different account has different percentages #Binance is a cheater
#VİDTH İs anybody has idea close or hold? This is not trading Just thives on their road with our stolen fund Big Punishment on the way. Follow me and share my post and stay Tuned!
ANNOUNCEMENT The People invest in #ReefUsdt in #Binance Scammed All of you #Binance is a scammers here is the manipulation and scamming proof of investors Binance Changed daily Percentage of #Reef
I will Save all of humanity from the Nonsense of Decentralization and no one, no company or government will ever be able to defraud anyone by stealing people's hopes in the Crypto Market again. Wait for me and stay Tuned!
Here is the Binance's crypto manipulation for scaming investors at the same time two different account and different Percentage Reef İnvestors Scammed by Binance
İşte Binance in kripto Yatırımcılarını ve insanları nasıl dolandırıldığının kanıtı Aşağıdaki ekran kayıtlarında Farklı iki hesaba ait future piyasalarda Reef usdt çiftini farklı yüzdelerle gösterip insanları nasıl aldattığını Göreceksiniz sizi Binance dolandırıyor Binance hakkında #Luna #Hmstr ve şimdi de #Reef coin de olduğu Gibi Sizi nasıl dolandırdığını Kanıtlamış Olduk Binance Dolandırıcıdır Binance hakkında 3 ayrı dava açmış Bulunmaktayız. ya hile ile aldığı parayı geri öder yada hesapları kapatmak zorunda kalır Amerika başta olmak üzere bir çok resmi kuruma şikayetlerimizi Belgelerle yapmış bulunuyoruz #Binance Dolandırıcıdır #Luna #Hmstr #Reef
#PiNetwork ve #Picoin Doğrulayıcıları Olarak Picoin Hesaplarını #PiNetwork Turkey Grubumuza Davet ediyor uz! Henüz cüzdan oluşturmamış Yatırımcıları Geleceğin bu Finansal ekosistemine Dahil Olmasını Arzu ediyoruz. Aşağıdaki referans kodunu Kullanarak Cüzdanınızı Oluşturup Grubumuza Dahil Olun
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