Trump Inaugrated as President Last day Today Oath ceremony Considering this as Bullish ? US Debt Ceiling Hits High and Limit Now, US cannot issue No More Debts Fiscal stimulus Needs to be Raised or Else US is Doomed. Any Backups ? Reserves. 600$ Billion in Reserves. Till Summer. Now ? When today, US is Depleted, treasuries are sold, Money is Being Sucked out , Market Should Pump or Dump ? Risky assets would Dump first, if such fiscal stimulus is Not announced. 108335 as Long as Remains as Re
Warned you at Exact Level that alts will Bleed No matter where the BTC Goes & Same is Happening from Last week; Bitcoin Almost at New High & alts Dumping Hard For Now No One in the Market is warning you what's going on and we have a Big Red Flag ahead ! US is Going to Hit Debt Ceiling at by day after tommorow, which means US WILL RUN OUT OF CASH STARTING DAY AFTER TOMMOROW, POST TRUMP INAUGRATION TOMMOROW. What's ahead ? They have 680$ Billion in reserves, they will use that starting day aft
Whales are betting on $PIVX from few week if you see any unusual momentum or volume comming in just buy for now add it in you fav list also $AMP will list on future soon