Trading Frequency and Why It Can Be a Problem

If most of your struggles as a trader come from thinking about your last trade instead of the next one, let me tell you something.

From my experience, those who dwell too much on their last trade share a common trait: they make fewer trades than those who don’t.

The reason is that the more trades you make, the less time you have to think about previous trades. There's already another opportunity to seize.

For example, if you make 1-2 trades per week, you have much more time to obsess over the last trade instead of moving on and focusing on the next one. These trades mean more to you than, say, for those who trade intraday/scalp.

Intraday traders often make 2-3 trades a day, and scalpers can make between 10 to 100 trades a day. These people don't have time to sit and reflect. Another opportunity has already presented itself. They know how to reset and move on.

I don’t believe everyone should trade more frequently. That’s not what I’m advocating for here. Some people can sit for days, waiting for the right moment to pounce. If they lose, they can easily move on. They are constantly in the game.

For those who can't switch gears quickly, I would advise increasing your trading frequency. Even if only for a short period, to improve this part of your game. Moving forward quickly is crucial. If you get upset about taking a loss, the next trade will be even harder.

Trading is about the next trades, not the last trade you made.

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