According to U.Today, Ledger, a renowned cryptocurrency wallet provider, has issued a warning about a new type of scam known as 'address-poisoning'. The scam involves cybercriminals sending mysterious coins or NFTs to users' wallets, which they did not initiate. The transaction appears in the user's Ledger Live transaction history, creating the illusion that the user has previously sent money to that wallet.

The scam's objective is to trick the wallet owner into copying the address from the transaction history and using it to send funds, instead of the intended recipient's address. However, the scammers cannot steal any cryptocurrency from the wallet unless the user initiates a transaction and signs it with their Ledger.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, Ledger's support team advises users to ignore the malicious transaction and the associated wallet. Users should also avoid interacting with suspicious tokens or NFTs sent by scammers. The team suggests selecting the suspicious token or NFT and choosing the 'Hide Token/NFT Collection' option to prevent accidental interaction with the scam wallet and avoid sending a transaction to it.