Our Security Team has recently detected a significant increase in the number of impersonating Twitter and Telegram accounts that are attempting to deceive and defraud our customers. These fraudulent accounts are often designed to look identical to legitimate accounts and may even use similar usernames and profile pictures to appear authentic.

These malicious actors typically engage in the following activities:

1.Posting deceptive links that lead to phishing sites or malware downloads.

2.Sending direct messages with scam offers or requests for personal information.

3.Creating fake promotions or giveaways to lure unsuspecting users.

What You Can Do to Stay Safe:

1.Verify Account Authenticity:

Always check for the verified blue checkmark next to the account name, indicating it is a legitimate and verified Twitter account.Be cautious of accounts with unusual usernames, recent creation dates, or limited tweet history.

2.Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Links:

Do not click on links from accounts you do not recognize or that seem suspicious.Hover over links to preview the URL before clicking. Ensure it leads to a legitimate website.

Do Not Share Personal Information:

3.Never provide personal or financial information through direct messages or unverified websites.Be wary of requests for sensitive information, even if they appear to come from a known or trusted account.

4.Report Suspicious Activity:

If you encounter an account that you believe is impersonating another user, report it to Twitter immediately.You can also report the incident to our Security Team by contacting our Customer Support Engineer.

Impersonating accounts list:

1. https://twitter[.]com/heyibinance1

2. https://twitter[.]com/heyibibinance

3. https://twitter[.]com/heyibinance01

4. https://twitter[.]com/9heyibinance

5. https://twitter[.]com/heyibinance_566

6. https://t[.]me/heyibinance

7. https://t[.]me/heyibinances

Stay vigilant and stay safe!