Gomble Games

Treasure Hunt Is Live

This event supports only the arbitrum. Here’s a quick guide on how to participate:

👉 Visit https://gomble.io/treasureHunt and connect your Arbitrum wallet. Use the referral code @aqorda

👉 Click on a tile to reveal your rewards, which will send a transaction. You can open up to 5 tiles at once and try as many times as you want.

- Each round lasts 20 minutes. If you don’t collect the prize money 💰 in the chest, it will be transferred to the next round.

- The more tiles opened without finding the treasure chest, the higher the grand prize and the cost to open a tile. The person who finds the treasure chest wins all the money. Additionally, behind the tiles, you might find Lucky Draw Tickets, which provide extra rewards! *Lucky Draw Tickets are a direct way to get G-Capsules full of $G tokens. For more details about the event, visit their Medium. https://medium.com/@gomblegames/lets-hunt-for-the-treasure-8dc8aa16884a
