Investing in real estate has never been more accessible and efficient, thanks to Landshare's innovative approach on the Binance Smart Chain. Through a process known as tokenization, Landshare converts ownership of real-world #digitalassests into Asset Tokens, offering investors a seamless way to enter the real estate market. Each $Land Token represents a $50 stake in a property, with its value tied to the performance of the underlying property and #RWA.

Types of Offerings

Landshare provides two enticing options for investors: house flips and rental properties.

  1. Rental Properties:

    • Held indefinitely, providing a long-term store of value.

    • Investors enjoy monthly passive rental income.

    • Flexibility to sell anytime using DS Swap or the upcoming OTC buyback program.

  2. House Flips:

    • Short-term investments focused on renovating and selling houses.

    • Investors earn yields as the property is revitalized.

    • Token redemption for a lump-sum payout upon successful house sale.

For more details on house flipping offerings, refer to our Landshare Feature Preview: Tokenized House Flipping article.

How to Invest with Landshare

Getting started with #Landshare is straightforward, offering an alternative to traditional real estate investing. Follow these simple steps to embark on your real estate investment journey:

  1. Browse Opportunities:

    • Explore available investment opportunities on the Landshare App

  2. Select Your Property:

    • Choose the property you want to invest in, reviewing its summary, financial information, and current status.

  3. View on Dashboard:

    • Click "View on Dashboard" to access the tokenized asset dashboard for investment.

  4. Register an Account:

    • Create an account linked to your personal identity and wallet address for future investments.

  5. Complete KYC:

    • Submit your name, address, date of birth, and photo ID. KYC processing takes 1–4 days.

  6. Invest:

    • Once approved, make your investment by selecting the property and navigating to the dashboard.

  7. Asset Token Purchase:

    • Enter the number of Asset Tokens to purchase, with each token costing $50 USD (90% BUSD, 10% LAND).

  8. Token Purchase:

    • Purchase BUSD and LAND on Pancake Swap or if needed.

  9. Sign the STPA:

    • Sign the Security Token Purchase Agreement, confirming your investment.

  10. Approve Tokens for Trading:

    • Approve LAND and BUSD for trading with the sale contract.

  11. Complete the Transaction:

    • Confirm the transaction in your connected wallet to finalize the purchase.

  12. Success Screen:

    • Upon success, view the success screen, and your Asset Tokens will be sent to your wallet.

Embark on a new era of real estate investing with Landshare, where simplicity meets innovation. Your journey into #TokenizationOfRWA assets awaits!