New proposals are now open for voting on the Maker Governance Portal. Following @phoenixlabsdev's latest suggestions on the Maker Forum, three active polls are now open for voting on proposed changes to Spark’s MetaMorpho Vault, and SparkLend. [Mainnet] Update Spark’s MetaMorpho Vault Supply Caps Due to the recent shift in demand towards sUSDe collateral pools, and based on @BlockAnalitica's recommendation, this proposal aims to increase the capacity in sUSDe pools to match their USDe counterparts: • Increase the sUSDe 91.5% LLTV pool supply cap to 200 million DAI • Increase the sUSDe 86% LLTV pool supply cap to 500 million DAI [Gnosis] Onboard USDC.e as a Borrowable Asset Gnosis Chain has introduced USDC.e, a new USDC token complying with Circle’s standards. Over the next few months, all USDC activity on the chain will transition to this version. To maintain access to USDC liquidity on Gnosis Chain, it's recommended to list the new USDC.e token on SparkLend. Initial parameters for USDC.e are detailed in the forum post: [Gnosis] Update USDC Parameters to Prepare for Offboarding On-chain liquidity for the old version of USDC on Gnosis Chain is expected to decline in the coming months as usage transitions to the new USDC.e token. To address this shift and protect user experience, a gradual deprecation of the old USDC token from the Gnosis Chain SparkLend market has been proposed. If approved, these changes will be included in an upcoming Executive Vote. Check the active polls on the Maker Governance Portal: