穩定幣兌幣協議 Curve 創辦人 Michael Egorov (michwill) 的 CRV 借貸部位被清算了 1.4 億美元的 CRV。

(Curve 創辦人被清算僅是出場 CRV,皇帝完全不急)

UPDATE: Michael Egorov was liquidated for $140 Million in CRV.The price of CRV fell through Egorov’s liquidation threshold this morning, with his entire 9-figure lending position liquidated across 5 protocols.Two of his accounts incurred together over a million dollars of bad… https://t.co/gT37oBy82Z pic.twitter.com/41np1Gkh0S

— Arkham (@ArkhamIntel) June 13, 2024

Michael Egorov 終於發聲:

「Curve Finance 團隊和我一直在努力解決今天發生的清算風險問題。你們中的許多人都知道,我所有的貸款都被清算了。我的頭寸規模太大,市場無法處理,並導致了1000萬的壞賬。只有在 lend.curve.fi 市場受到的影響最大。我已經償還了 93%,我打算很快償還其餘的。它將幫助使用者免受這種情況的困擾。」

以太坊開發者 @sassal0x 則嘲諷地表示:你不要去買豪宅不就好了。

The Curve Finance team and I have been working to solve the liquidation risk issue which happened today. Many of you are aware that I had all my loans liquidated. Size of my positions was too large for markets to handle and caused 10M of bad debt. Only CRV market on…

— Michael Egorov (@newmichwill) June 13, 2024

這篇文章 Curve 創辦人發聲:清算導致 1000 萬美元壞帳,已還了 93% 最早出現於 鏈新聞 ABMedia。