🚀 Matter Labs is gearing up for a massive airdrop of their new ZK tokens next week!

🔹 The Ethereum Layer 2 service provider is set to distribute 3.675 billion tokens, making up 17.5% of the total supply, to about 695,232 eligible wallets.

🔹 This airdrop is the largest token distribution from a Layer 2 network.

🔹 The majority of the airdropped tokens (89%) will go to users, while the remaining 11% will be given to contributors.

🔹 ZKSync has a wallet eligibility checker for folks to see if they qualify for the airdrops.

🔹 The best part? Every airdropped token is immediately unlocked and can be transferred right away! 🎉

🔹 Interestingly, 66% of the total ZK tokens are allocated to the community, while only 33% is for investors and teams.

🔹 The ZKsync Association believes in awarding more tokens to the community to direct protocol governance upgrades.

🔹 The distribution of team tokens will start in June 2025 and continue for a four-year vesting period ending in 2028.

🔹 The airdrop aims to reward real people while filtering out bots and sybil wallets.

What are your thoughts on this historic airdrop? Let's chat in the comments! 👇 #DeFi #Layer2 #ZKSync #Airdrop