Elon Musk reacted to the collaboration between Apple and OpenAI: "I can ban all devices"

The first day of the Apple Developers Conference saw a significant announcement: Apple's collaboration with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT. Apple plans to integrate some features of Siri and ChatGPT into its operating system.

Musk's Reaction

Elon Musk, who has been critical of OpenAI's approach to artificial intelligence, responded harshly to this collaboration. Musk finds Apple's decision to create its own AI system questionable, and partnering with OpenAI even more so:

"It's absurd that Apple would create its own AI, but it's even more absurd that it believes OpenAI's size and privacy will be protected. The distribution of your parts delivered to OpenAI has no idea what might happen next. They're putting you in danger. If Apple integrates with OpenAI at the operating system level, I will ban Apple devices from my companies. Because that would be an unacceptable security option."

He also mentioned that Apple devices would not be allowed in his companies and would be stored in a Faraday cage, which prevents electrical conductivity.

Musk shared some of ChatGPT’s responses on Twitter, highlighting what he sees as the risks of increased AI power.

Earlier in the year, Musk called for a six-month pause in AI developments, a letter that was signed by over a thousand developers and investors. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who supports OpenAI and its global projects, dismissed Musk's request as unreasonable.

Musk’s own AI company, xAI, operates with an open-source approach via Grok, contrasting with ChatGPT's closed-source model.

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