According to BlockBeats, the current bull market in the crypto world is characterized by a shift towards simplification and emotional release. This trend is driven by the pursuit of simplicity and high volatility, which has reached its peak in this cycle.

In this context, DeFi has been labeled as overly complex and prone to losses, while NFTs, once the highest potential for storytelling and speculation, have shown no signs of a second explosion in this cycle. These two dominant trends from the previous cycle have performed averagely in this round, due to various reasons including innovation stagnation and loss of user confidence.

The market needs fresh blood and time to rebuild confidence, as well as a stimulant, which is the backdrop for the birth of this bull market. This round is extremely special and highly polarized. Hence, the community-led meme coin, which is simple enough, emotional enough, and highly volatile, has taken advantage of the situation.

From the perspective of market makers, there are differences between the crypto and traditional sectors. Compared to traditional financial markets, cryptocurrency market makers operate on a smaller scale. The crypto market has lower liquidity and higher volatility. The regulation of the crypto market is not perfect, and the relationships between exchanges, project teams, and market makers are complex.

Market makers traditionally provide liquidity, help smooth market price fluctuations, and improve market efficiency. A good market maker is one with strong capital strength, able to provide sufficient liquidity while making price fluctuations smoother. However, DWF, known for its aggressive trading strategy, often causes controversy and is accused of market manipulation.

In this special bull market, DWF has emerged in a controversial way. How it will proceed in the future is unknown, but it has made itself remembered by everyone in the market.