Automation and technology have allowed smaller teams to compete at the highest level.

50 years ago, you needed hundreds of thousands of workers to compete at the highest levels of industry.

Large factories, manual processes, management.

Men moving steel and forcing it into shape.

Every year, as technology and automation progress.

The amount of employees needed to compete lowers.

Imagine Apple but instead of 160,000 employees, they only need 2,000.

All the money Apple makes, all the profit, being distributed to 2,000 people instead of 160,000.

In the near future, 20 men will be able to run entire industries.

Less and less men will own more and more of the world.

The trillions of dollars in the world will continue to go to fewer and fewer people.

Smaller teams making more money.

The rich-poor divide will continue to increase.

The average man becoming obsolete.


It's no longer enough to be an average guy.

The average man's life is only going to get worse.

You need to become GREAT.