If it seems to you that everyone around you is making money, and you are not, don't be deceived.

This cycle has actually been quite challenging.

If you're struggling, you're not alone.

- Most altcoins have underperformed compared to $BTC.

- Only certain sectors have thrived (memes, AI, RWA, etc. - most utility/infrastructure projects have barely moved). This makes capital redistribution very tempting, but constantly jumping between narratives can be detrimental.

- Even rotations WITHIN these favored narratives have been hard to catch - typically leading to leaders significantly outperforming their peers, while the betas barely keep up.

- Even in the case of memes - it was mostly a "throw a dart and hope" approach that proved effective unless you went all-in.

However, what can you do to increase your chances of success?

1. Trade less. Prioritize high-confidence trades, and potentially sit out when there are no attractive opportunities.

2. Prefer sector leaders over beta assets. If the narrative has resilience, you might catch a late rotation, but leadership with beta exposure has not been effective in this cycle so far.

3. Use periods of apathy to master your craft. During a "bull run," it's hard to focus. Sideways/boring conditions are a blessing as they give you the opportunity to learn, plan, and improve your skills without distractions.

Opportunities in this space remain limitless, but today I want to remind you that if you're not finding them, you are definitely not alone. Despite what many "authorities" might make you believe.

This cycle has been challenging for many.

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