A new proposal to onboard Etherfi’s weETH into SparkLend is now open for voting in the Maker Governance Portal. $weETH is the largest Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) on the market. It is also the only large LRT with fully enabled withdrawals, ensuring stable liquidity and a strong peg to ETH. Phoenix Labs has proposed listing weETH to increase DAI borrowing on SparkLend, given the low competition for borrowing USD stablecoins using LRT collateral. The initial parameters and risk assessment are based on current market and liquidity conditions for weETH: • Loan to Value: 75% • Liquidation Threshold: 73% • Supply Cap: 5,000 weETH If approved, this change will be part of an upcoming Executive Vote in SparkLend. More initial parameters for weETH are detailed in the risk assessment: https://t.co/bCrGTE1wtG Check the poll in the Maker Governance Portal ↓