Ultimate Rewards of $Manta Token Network ☄️

$Manta Pacific is an Ethereum Layer 2 solution focused on ZK applications. It has raised over $60 million from investors like Polychain, Binance Labs, CoinFund, and SevenX Ventures. Built on Ethereum, it uses a custom OP Stack architecture by Caldera for compatibility with Ethereum's EVM. Manta Pacific moves its data layer to Celestia, becoming the first Layer 2 to do so.

Modularity and Manta Pacific

Modularity in blockchain design allows for customization and efficiency. Ethereum's mainnet handles consensus and settlement, while projects like Celestia handle data availability. Manta Pacific embraces modularity by using OP Stack technology, inheriting security and technical benefits. This approach ensures EVM compatibility and easy migration for developers.

OP Stack and Superchains

OP Stack, developed by Optimism, offers scalable blockchain solutions with modular design and interoperability. It aims for a Superchain structure, enabling seamless communication between chains and atomic cross-chain interactions.

Data Availability Layer and Celestia

The Data Availability Layer ensures transparent and secure blockchain data access. Celestia, built on Cosmos Tendermint, serves as Manta Pacific's data layer, supporting native Rollups and ensuring data security through erasure coding and sampling.

ZK Circuits and Manta Pacific's Innovation

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Circuits enable privacy and verification in blockchain transactions. Manta Pacific's Universal ZK Circuits simplify ZK application development for Solidity developers, offering ZK-as-a-Service and advanced API integration.
