


2、先不管stfil在中国是否违法,从项目本身而言,是去中心化的智能合约,是filecoin 生态重要组成部分。

3、stfil团队是最早参与filecoin fvm虚拟机的项目之一,一度获得filecoin 官方组织的全球黑客松大赛第二名〔中华区第一名〕,其技术基层堆栈对fvm的defil发展起到了重要的推动作用。


5、stfil得到filecoin 和filecoin 基金会以及附属部门在众多场合的介绍和赞扬,肯定。

6、stfil拥有500万fil的供应量,sp节点一度超100个,算力一度超1EiB,按目前来算,占整个filecoin 主网算力的二十三分之一。〔5月25日filecoin 算力是22.91EiB〕。

7、可想而知,stfil事件如果得不到很好的解决将会对filecoin 发展有十分负面的影响。

8、请filecoin 官方团队,全球各核心开发人员,filecoin 基金会,filecoin 的sp,社区人员等,采取一切可能的措施,比如技术手段,比如主网分叉等,保护stfil的500多万的fil不受到损失。


从filecoin 主网数据来看,从stfil在4月5日出事以来,filecoin 算力从24.569EiB下降到5月25日的22.91EiB,算力下降了1.659EiB,即1698.816PiB的算力。


SP和fil持有者,看到了filecoin 官方,包括基金会,核心开发人员,各附属组织,社区成员等,不作为,漠视,冷淡,比如核心开发人员否定了filecoin 分叉的FIP提议。看不到应该承担的责任和担当。

从而对filecoin 的发展失去了信心,不愿意继续质押fil来封装算力!




A warning to everyone at Filecoin: Don’t underestimate the negative impact of stfil

1. As the second-ranked ecological project of fvm virtual machine defil, stfil ranks first from April to September 2023.

2. Regardless of whether stfil is illegal in China, from the project itself, it is a decentralized smart contract and an important part of the filecoin ecosystem.

3. The stfil team was one of the first projects to participate in the filecoin fvm virtual machine. It once won the second place in the global hackathon competition officially organized by filecoin (first place in China). Its technical base stack played an important role in the development of defil of fvm. Promoting effect.

4. stfil received indirect investment from Protocol Laboratory PL (through OV Incubator) and received positive introductions on many occasions.

5. stfil has been introduced and praised by filecoin and filecoin foundation and affiliated departments on many occasions, which is affirmative.

6. stfil has a supply of 5 million fil, the number of sp nodes once exceeded 100, and the computing power once exceeded 1EiB. According to current calculations, it accounts for 23% of the computing power of the entire filecoin main network. [The computing power of filecoin on May 25 was 22.91EiB].

7. It is conceivable that if the stfil incident is not resolved well, it will have a very negative impact on the development of filecoin.

8. Please filecoin official team, core developers around the world, filecoin foundation, filecoin sp, community personnel, etc., take all possible measures, such as technical means, such as main network fork, etc., to protect more than 5 million fil of stfil. No loss.

9. Don’t underestimate or underestimate the negative impact of stfil.

Judging from the filecoin main network data, since the stfil incident on April 5, the filecoin computing power has dropped from 24.569EiB to 22.91EiB on May 25, and the computing power has dropped by 1.659EiB, which is 1698.816PiB.

Although it is not only caused by stfil factors, there are also great influencing factors. SP and fil holders have seen filecoin officials, including the foundation, core developers, affiliated organizations, community members, etc., inaction, indifference, and indifference. For example, the core developers rejected the FIP proposal for the filecoin fork.

Can't see the responsibilities and responsibilities that should be assumed. As a result, I lost confidence in the development of filecoin and was unwilling to continue to pledge fil to encapsulate computing power! Causes a large increase in fil circulation (inflation).

10. These will be directly reflected in the market price of FIL. It's clear at a glance.