Great news

Finally the result came out.

19b-4 passed, S-1/S-3S pending; congratulations!

19b-4 has definitely passed, but this does not mean that the ETH spot ETF can be listed, because S-1/S-3 is still needed.

No need to wait, because 19b-4 has passed, it means that the ETH spot ETF has definitely passed, and it will be listed sooner or later.

Thanks to the partners who participated tonight, we once again witnessed a moment of history. We witnessed together that another US stock will definitely appear in the next step of encryption. From now on, BTC is no longer alone, and ETH will always accompany it. Encryption is really infinite. Things that have been difficult for the past two months have suddenly gone so smoothly. Everything is worth it.

#ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC $ETH