**Want to Make $1 Million in This Market? Here's How:**

### 1. **Investment Strategy:**

Start with 100,000-200,000 yuan, convert it to USD, and deposit it in Binance. Divide this amount into 50 shares for a fixed investment approach. Purchase one share each month, distributing your investment evenly: 25% in Bitcoin, 25% in ETH, 25% in BNB, and 25% in SOL. Stick to this plan without constantly checking your investments. In three to five years, you may find yourself with $1 million. This method is straightforward and low-risk.

### 2. **Technical Approach:**

To excel in airdrops, whitelists, and new listings, develop strong programming skills, gain experience with remote servers, and become fluent in English. Access first-hand information for batch operations to become a "scientist" in the crypto world. This path requires continuous learning and skill development, but the financial rewards can be significant once you succeed.

### 3. **Luck-Based Approach:**

At the start of a bull market, use your foresight to identify a potential stock that could increase more than tenfold. This requires good judgment, evaluating traffic, concepts, and key figures behind the platform. Avoid stocks managed by individuals with dubious reputations. Network extensively, seek advice from experts, and deepen your understanding. When an opportunity arises, make decisive judgments and take action. This approach, though risky, could lead to $1 million if successful.

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