Determining the absolute fastest and most energy-efficient blockchain is challenging as it depends on various factors and metrics. However, I can provide you with information on some of the top contenders that excel in this area:

1. IOTA ( iota )

  • Utilizes a consensus mechanism called Tangle, which doesn't require mining, resulting in extremely low energy consumption (around 0.11 watts per hour).

  • Offers high speed and scalability, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.

  • Enables smart contracts and token issuance.

2. Hedera Hashgraph ( hbar ) :

  • Employs a unique consensus algorithm called Gossip Protocol, facilitating fast and efficient transactions.

  • Achieves speeds of up to 10,000 transactions per second.

  • Characterized by low energy consumption and a focus on sustainability.

  • Supports smart contracts and various decentralized applications.

3. Avalanche. ( avax ) :

  • Implements an optimized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to traditional mining.

  • Possesses high scalability, capable of processing thousands of transactions per second.

  • Supports smart contracts and the creation of digital assets.

  • Offers a developing ecosystem with various DeFi and NFT applications.

4. Solana ( sol )

  • Stands out for its high speed, reaching up to 60,000 transactions per second.

  • Utilizes a unique consensus algorithm called Proof of History (PoH), combining PoS with an internal clock for transaction validation.

  • Exhibits relatively low energy consumption compared to other blockchains like Bitcoin.

  • Supports smart contracts and various decentralized applications.

5. Nano:

  • Leverages a block-less architecture, enabling instant and fee-less transactions.

  • Offers extremely low energy consumption, practically negligible per transaction

  • Features unlimited scalability and an efficiency-focused design.

  • Supports direct user-to-user payments and custom token creation.

Additional Considerations:

  • It's important to note that speed and energy consumption can vary depending on network congestion and specific transaction characteristics.

  • Other blockchains like Cardano, Algorand, and NEAR are also developing solutions to improve efficiency and sustainability.

  • The choice of the most suitable blockchain will depend on the specific needs and priorities of each user or project.

I recommend further researching each of these options and comparing their features, advantages, and disadvantages to make an informed decision about the blockchain that best suits your needs.