Bitcoin is like the asset you would have used to leave the roman empire before it collapsed. 🤔

1. Bitcoin allows you to move assets globally without restrictions or declarations.

2. Unlike traditional assets like money or real estate,

Bitcoin can be easily taken with you to a new country.

3. You don't need to go through airport security or fill out forms to move your Bitcoin.

4. This mobility is unique to Bitcoin and offers a level of freedom unmatched by other assets.

5. Bitcoin's liquidity and long-term viability enhance its advantage in global mobility.

6. Even though most people stay put, Bitcoin provides the option to relocate easily.

7. You can choose temporary or permanent moves to places like USA, Dubai, Singapore, or Iceland.

8. This flexibility appeals to a growing group of affluent digital nomads.

9. Bitcoin is a superpower for those with the means to live anywhere.

10. It's not just for the wealthy; Bitcoin's mobility benefits individuals at various wealth levels.

11. Bitcoin's ability to transcend borders provides opportunities for financial freedom.

12. Bitcoin is the literal property in your backpack.