Today, the U.S. Supreme Court made two decisions that have caused uproar among members of the LGBTQ+ community and college students. CONTROVERSIAL LGBTQ DECISION:

The Supreme Court has ruled that businesses can refuse to offer services to members of the LGBTQ+ community if the requested services go against their personal or religious beliefs.

The issue brought to court originated in Colorado, involving an evangelical Christian named Lorie Smith, who was a web designer that declined to work on same-sex weddings.

Her reasoning was that it contradicted her religious beliefs. Consequently, she sued the state, and to the surprise of many, the Supreme Court agreed with her, resulting in her victory.

Many dedicated members and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community perceive this as a significant setback to their rights, while others view the decision as a victory for the First Amendment.

It’s also worth noting that of the 9 justices of the Supreme Court, 6 are Republican. Of the 6, 3 were appointed by Trump, and the other 3 are Democrat.

The court's decision today was 6-3, with the conservative justices taking Lori's side, while the Democratic justices opposed her.

“Colorado seeks to force an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience about a matter of major significance,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion.

A liberal justice, Sonia Sotomayor, wrote, “Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class.”

Many argue that this law will heighten discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community.


The Supreme Court has recently made a series of controversial rulings.

Yesterday, it deemed race-based college admissions unconstitutional, and today, it struck down Biden's plan to cancel $400 billion in student loan debt.

Biden proposed the idea of canceling student loan debt during his 2020 presidential election campaign, and it would have resulted in forgiving up to $10,000 in debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year.

Again, it was a 6-3 ruling that foiled Biden’s plans, as the 6 Justices said Biden does NOT have the authority to cancel student loan debt.

Biden responded by saying, "I will stop at nothing to find other ways to deliver relief to hard-working middle-class families. My administration will continue to work to bring the promise of higher education to every American."

All 3 decisions made by the Supreme Court in the last 2 days have caused high levels of controversy, with a notable uproar from the left.

Do you agree with the recent decisions made by the Supreme Court?

Is the court being POLITICIZED?