ICYMI, Kim is the largest receiver of the #Mode DevDrop.

More than 23,000 NFTs, which will translate to $MODE a little further down the line, are being distributed directly to you.

Okay, but who’s you?!

Read on to learn about the first phase of the DevDrop…Drop: By Kim:

Phase 1: April 22nd - May 6th

We’re airdropping half of Kim’s DevDrop allocation (10,650 Photons, 1,065 Orbs, read more on these here) with three concurrent campaigns:

Leaderboard Winners

If you’re already in the Leaderboard, and you’re in the top 100, check your wallets soon (™), we’re airdropping 10% of the total allocation of Kim’s DevDrop right to you.

Simple. Retroactive. Rewards.

Making New Friends

LP 👏LP 👏 LP 👏

This one’s for the liquidity providers (we love u).

All new liquidity providers who provide at least $100 in liquidity through the period of the campaign will take home a pro-rate share of the DevDrop…Drop that’s allocated for this.

Top Tips:

  • You must provide a minimum of $100 in LP

  • ETH <> USDC and ETH <> mBTC are weighted higher than all other whitelisted LPs

  • Other LPs will count toward the rewards but will not get boosted weighting

TL;DR - Provide new LP, earn (even more) rewards.

Inviting Old Friends

This one’s for those of you with degen friends. If you need a reminder on how to use the Kim Referral system check out our guide here.


  • Invite at least 5 (active - they provided LP or swapped - friends)

  • Provide at least $200 in ETH <> USDC or ETH <> mBTC LP

  • Rank in the top 100 in the referral leaderboard.

So, share it in your communities, #shill it to your pals, and beg the #whales? you follow on X to use your referral.

Good luck, anon.

Phase 2 Soon (™)

The remaining 50% is coming to your wallet soon™, don’t miss it anon, shill your referral links on Discord or X/Twitter.

Discord: discord.com/invite/kimprotocol

X/Twitter: twitter.com/kimprotocol

Mode Dev Drop: mode.mirror.xyz/u4va-jRltuk_JaE-6AhlZnw30H58VjV5ny02y3Wpssw

Kim Referral Guide: mirror.xyz/kim-exchange.eth/crG7yotG4SAxQ765uoSn9BBBWIAuJQ1CnI7-5VAKDAk

Kim Dev Drop:mirror.xyz/kim-exchange.eth/FN2UUNI-9aFaPPlkD1L5MYde2mOyz1yilcDxvBZiJxo

#MerlinChain #BTC