To simplify this more incase you are lost with the entire present story.

There Was this film called "Titanic". It's a world known film which was acted in light of a genuine biography. While there were extra fictitious scenes added to in the film, the boat name titanic which the film zeroed in on, really and genuinely sank. This happened a long time back.

So since that time the titanic sunk, there has been individuals going into the large sea to see the titanic. Wild right? Indeed, not to this individuals.

This individuals see it as experience, a day to day existence time trip, name it anything.

So this month, Five Men Paid $200K (Over N160,000,000) To Get Into This Submarine and Go See The Genuine Titanic Boat (12 500 Feet Beneath Ocean Level)

The Submarine Was Intended To Hold 96 Hours Of Oxygen. These Individuals Went In On Sunday and Have Not Returned.

Some place In The Sea, They Stalled Out. Which Began As A Rare Excursion Has Finished In A debacle.

Right now They've Run Out Of Oxygen. The Frightening Thing About This Is That They Are Stuck Precisely Where The Titanic Itself Got Stuck A long time back. Many Accept The Titanic Was Reviled.

One Thing About Water Is That It Doesn't Neglect or forget -

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