The worst syndrome in crypto is the “horrific money perception” one.

“10K? You’re poor”

“50K? Peanuts”

“100K? Nothing relevant”

“500K? You’re not a millionaire”

Memecoins, scamfluencers’ shenanigans and the whole crypto culture have instilled the idea that a certain amount of money is never enough.

Everyone wastes their time to flex and show people how much they made, just like a fashion catwalk that attracts astonishment and fosters high-risk plays.

This attitude comes from the fact that people cannot give the true “weight” to each dollar and that's why I value everything I earn in TIME terms.

That's the currency I use.

“1,000$?” the average salary for an employee who works 8/9 hours per day.

“10,000$?” less or more a whole year's salary.

“100,000$?” 10 years.

I remind myself that what I’m risking to leave on the table, isn't a materialistic thing to flex.

What I’m risking to leave is time that doesn't come back.

Time that another person would kill to have.

Once you enter this mindset you're no longer a victim of “flexors” but instead you start growing the Sharingan that allows you to see what others cannot see: reality