LISTEN.. this could change your life.

Nobody listened to me when i told them to buy $KAS at $0.0007… NOBODY

Same thing when i told them to buy $MATIC at $0.01 before the last bullrun in 2020.

Or when i bought $SOL at $3

they said it was a bad investment and too speculative.

Moral of the story: don’t listen to normies.

They don’t have a clue what they’re talking about & they ape shitcoins on solana and lose all their money.

Right now, i’m accumulating as much $SPCT (Spectra) as i possibly can.


Because this is a #bitcoin layer 2 blockchain and the $BTC halving is in 2 weeks.

Guess what’s about to happen?

Hint: 🚀#CryptocurrencyAlert #treasurehunt