Mind network is a full-encryption network built on a patented Adaptive Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) framework to secure all user data, smart contracts, and AI on Web3. Mind network raised $2,5 million from BinanceLabs and others.

1.Claim Test Tokens

1.1 Claim SepoliaETH Test Tokens

◈ Daily Claim 0.5: https://sepoliafaucet.com/

◈ Daily Claim 1: https://www.infura.io/faucet/sepolia

◈ Daily Claim 0.5: https://access.rockx.com/faucet-sepolia

◈ Unlimited Mining Test Tokens, maximum 2.5 per session: https://sepolia-faucet.pk910.de/

1.2 Claim CCIP-BnM Test Tokens

◈ Go to: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xFd57b4ddBf88a4e07fF4e34C487b99af2Fe82a05#writeContract

◈ Connect to your web3 wallet address

◈ Click “Write” to claim test tokens


◈ Go to: https://dapptest.mindnetwork.xyz/bridge

◈ Connect your wallet

◈ Log in

◈ Bridge


◈ Go to: https://dapptest.mindnetwork.xyz/transfer

◈ Transfer


◈ Go to: https://dapptest.mindnetwork.xyz/stakeOverview

◈ Select test tokens — Claim (Image 1)

◈ Stake / Unstake (Image 2, Image 3)


» Go to: https://galxe.com/MindNetwork/campaign/GC9C8tTgaP

» Complete tasks

» Apply for points

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Synchroniser Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gEQH48aBlY

Morelogin Download Link: https://www.morelogin.com/download/?from=AAWe62DXGlDU

Morelogin Twitter:https://twitter.com/more_login