This is the biggest mistake that makes

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people lose their money: Blind purchases 👀 I have seen many people who buy a coin, and then go to Telegram groups, Twitter... to ask if that coin is good. This mistake is quite serious, because you risk a lot of losing your money. ❗I personally believe that before buying a cryptocurrency, you have to know why you buy it. Buying cryptocurrencies without a proper understanding of what you are purchasing is risky, because it can result in significant losses. Some people get carried away by popular trends or recommendations from friends, without investigating further. Others fall into the trap of promises of very large profits without understanding the risks involved. 💡The key to avoiding this mistake is education. Before investing in something, it is very important to understand what you are investing in. This means researching the market, understanding the technology behind an asset, assessing its growth potential, and considering the associated risks. • Additionally, it is important to develop an investment plan. This can help avoid impulsive decisions based on momentary emotions. In short, blind buying is the quickest route to losing money on investments. Instead of getting caught up in the emotion of the moment, take the time to research and understand your investments.