So, I have this friend who got really hyped about investing in something called stable coins. He was super pumped, always saying stuff like, "Dude, I'm gonna be rolling in cash soon!" So, I finally asked him to show me what he's got in his investment portfolio. And let me tell you, when I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

This guy had put all his money into stable coins, thinking he'd hit the jackpot with a 100x return or some kind of "going to the moon" moment. I mean, stable coins are supposed to be, well, stable. They're not the kind of thing you expect to skyrocket in value overnight. It was a real facepalm moment, let me tell you. 🤦‍♂️

I tried to explain to him that stable coins are meant to keep their value steady, not shoot up like a rocket. But he was so caught up in the hype, he wouldn't listen. Sometimes, you just gotta let people learn the hard way, I guess. 🚀🤷‍♂️




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