🗝 0. Define leaders within your company that already have the know-how or the ability to understand the concept (business and metaverse side) and give them time to...
🏫 1. Research and understand what the metaverse is. Just because other companies (brands) buy property in Sandbox, Decentraland, Roblox etc. does not mean that you should do that too. Define your long-term strategic goals you have with such an entry. ™
2. Ask yourself if your company really needs a spot in the metaverse. What are the target groups that I'm adressing and how do i want to establish my company within the metaverse? The importance of clearly defining if you want to use it for brand recognition or simply try something out to provide services in the future is necessary before even thinking further.
🆘 3. What is the use case that I want to provide my clients by entering the metaverse? (Branding, PR, Help Desk, Talent Acquisition, Education, Gamified Experience etc.)
💰4. Choose the platform that suits your project budget and define what is needed to acquire the respective landplot. This stage is very important as the land plot has to be chosen carefully. Chosing a spot next to other big brands is usually costly and might not suit your budget for the project. Thus, define the presets and deepen your research on where to set foot.
💻5. Clarify all technical steps such as wallets to buy the landplots, learn about their builders to create your characters, trees and buildings. ("Builder" such as VoxEdit and builder tools within Decentraland)
⏳6. Take your time and don't rush. If there is a time-critical factor within your project to enter the metaverse then check various companies that take over the whole project and calculate a higher budget for that. I tried to make it as short as possible as there are many more steps to talk about but I didn't want to overdo it.
PS: Read Books like The Augmented Workforce, Navigating the Metaverse and Into The Metaverse to get a holistic view that provides you almost all the tools you need to enter.