According to BlockBeats, on September 5, Ethereum Foundation core researcher Dankrad Feist addressed questions regarding the current value of ETH and whether the rollup ecosystem undermines ETH's value during the 12th Ethereum Foundation AMA.

Feist emphasized that Ethereum is building a financial platform that aims to be the most neutral to date. This platform allows for the issuance and trading of financial assets and the creation of new financial products without permission, which are highly valuable activities. While capturing value from these activities is possible, the exact mechanism remains unclear. Feist believes it will likely involve some form of fee mechanism. He maintains that Ethereum Layer 1 (L1) will remain the intersection for all these subdomains, where many valuable activities will continue, generating significant fees. Achieving this will require substantial L1 scaling.

Feist personally believes that focusing on building a value-generating ecosystem on Ethereum is the best approach, and value capture will naturally follow. He cautions against focusing on value capture when value generation is still insufficient. A diversified rollup ecosystem providing interesting applications to the world would be a success, but it would be an even greater success if this ecosystem also enhances the value of ETH assets. Feist acknowledges concerns that a rollup-centric roadmap might divert fee revenue and MEV from Ethereum, potentially making rollups parasitic to Ethereum. However, he disagrees, asserting that the highest-value transactions will continue to occur on Ethereum L1, and rollups will expand the capacity for users to transact on Ethereum, creating a symbiotic relationship.