According to BlockBeats, NDV co-founder Christian has staked approximately $7.66 million worth of Ethereum (ETH) into Scroll via Stakestone. The transaction, which involved 2320 ETH, was completed three hours ago, moving from the Blast network back to the Ethereum mainnet.

The move by Christian, a prominent figure in the blockchain industry, signifies a significant investment into the Scroll project. Stakestone, the platform used for the transaction, is known for its secure and efficient staking services. The Ethereum mainnet, where the ETH was transferred back to, is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts, applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference.

This transaction is a clear indication of the growing confidence in the Ethereum network and the Scroll project. It also underscores the increasing use of staking as a method of participating in blockchain networks. Staking involves holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. This includes transaction validation, security, and governance.

The Ethereum network has been gaining traction due to its robust smart contract capabilities and the growing DeFi sector. Scroll, on the other hand, is a project that aims to revolutionize the way data is stored and transferred on the blockchain. The staking of such a significant amount of ETH into Scroll via Stakestone by NDV's co-founder Christian is a testament to the potential and confidence in these platforms.