According to Odaily, StaFi has officially announced its roadmap for the third quarter of 2024. The key focus of the roadmap includes the modularization of LSaaS, making it a superior development upgrade for developers. Another significant point is the widespread adoption of LSaaS, with more stack solutions already prepared in LSaaS applications.

The roadmap aims to transform LSaaS into a more developer-friendly platform through modularization. This approach is expected to enhance the efficiency and productivity of developers, allowing them to create more sophisticated and robust applications.

In addition to the modularization of LSaaS, StaFi is also focusing on its widespread adoption. The company has prepared more stack solutions in LSaaS applications, indicating a strategic move towards making LSaaS a mainstream solution in the tech industry. This could potentially lead to a significant increase in the use of LSaaS across various sectors, further solidifying StaFi's position in the market.