According to Odaily, a survey conducted by Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany, has revealed that 50% of the 2012 respondents would 'definitely' or 'possibly' consider using the digital Euro if it were an additional payment method. Interestingly, three-fifths of the German respondents stated that they had 'never heard, read, or seen' anything about the digital Euro.

Among those who had heard of the digital Euro, 16% believed it to be a type of cryptocurrency. Only 17% of respondents correctly identified it as a type of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The head of the German central bank emphasized the need for better education about this digital currency, stating that 'a lot of information still needs to be provided.'

Meanwhile, the European Central Bank (ECB) has announced that the digital Euro can be used offline, with transaction details known 'only to the payer and the payee.' It is currently in the preparatory stage, with completion expected in October 2025. The focus is on determining rules and identifying potential issuers.