According to Odaily, MintSwap NFT Marketplace has launched on the Mint mainnet. The platform now supports the listing, trading, and data indexing of NFT projects on the Mint mainnet. MintSwap is a DEX & NFT Marketplace trading protocol developed on the Mint Blockchain. It provides Token DEX, NFT trading, and NFTFi functions for the Web3 network.

MintSwap's launch on the Mint mainnet marks a significant step in the expansion of the platform's capabilities. The integration of the Mint mainnet will allow for a more seamless and efficient trading experience for users. The platform's support for listing, trading, and data indexing of NFT projects on the Mint mainnet will also provide users with more opportunities to engage with and invest in NFT projects.

The MintSwap platform is a DEX & NFT Marketplace trading protocol that has been developed on the Mint Blockchain. This development allows MintSwap to provide a range of services to the Web3 network, including Token DEX, NFT trading, and NFTFi functions. These services are designed to enhance the trading experience for users and provide them with more opportunities to engage with the NFT market.

In conclusion, the launch of MintSwap on the Mint mainnet is a significant development in the NFT market. The platform's enhanced capabilities will provide users with a more seamless and efficient trading experience, as well as more opportunities to engage with and invest in NFT projects.