According to PANews, ENS Labs has proposed an upgrade, ENS v2, to migrate its services to the Layer2 network. The primary aim of ENS v2 is to enhance scalability and reduce gas fees by transferring core functions from the Ethereum mainnet to the Layer2 chain. If the proposal is accepted, users will benefit from reduced transaction fees.

ENS Labs has not yet chosen a specific stack or Layer2 network for the migration. However, once the migration is complete, this network will become the new platform for users to interact with ENS. The upgrade also introduces a new 'layered registration system' to manage .eth domains more efficiently, including the management of subdomains and configuration of resolvers. ENS Labs explained that the release of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4844 was a significant factor driving the ENS upgrade. This proposal significantly reduces the cost of the Layer2 network through blob transactions.