Forget about fairness


The desire to live in a just world is one of the cognitive distortions that hinder the achievement of goals, hinder progress, and simply spoil the mood.


It has a lot to do with human nature's love of finding patterns. We want to live in a clear, orderly world with clear cause-and-effect relationships. And to receive a fair reward for our deeds (and for bad people to get a fair boomerang). But this is not always the case.

There are two ways to react to this universal injustice.


The first is to live under the oppression of endless "unfair", "hurtful", "unfair", "wrong", "unlucky". No, but really — is it fair that you got out of the deal at 5 percent when the price went up by 20 percent?! And someone grabbed this 20 and is happy!


And the second option is not to waste your mental resources, nerves and time on suffering for reasons that are beyond your real control.

By resenting injustice caused by reasons beyond our control, we only aggravate the situation — we waste our resources aimlessly.
Here's a checklist to help you "dab, score, forget":

1. There are some people who are much luckier than you are.

2. There are people who are much less lucky than you.

3. Putting in the effort doesn't always correlate with success (but it does increase the chance of success).

4. The person who does more doesn't always get more, c'est la vie.

5. Not always the one who has a lot, deserves it. (This applies to you too, by the way - at least at some points)

6. Even if you are born into a family of a king or a billionaire, there will still be those who have higher starting opportunities.

7. There is no answer to the question "What's in it for me?" (except in those situations when you know for sure that you made a mistake).

8. Adversity happens to both bad and good people.

9. Trouble doesn't happen to bad people as often as we'd like it to.

10. Accidents happen. (And it's not your fault.)

11. If your neighbor's grass is greener, he's probably jealous of your lawn, too