In the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” show, the contestant was asked question number 12 out of 15, with a prize of 125,000 AED for the correct answer.

The question was:

In 2010, what was purchased in the first-ever Bitcoin transaction, in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins?

The options were:

1. A private jet

2. Pizza

3. Microsoft shares

4. A hotel stay

The contestant’s initial reaction was: “It’s impossible for it to be pizza.”

After some thought, they chose the option “Microsoft shares.”

They never imagined, not even 1%, that the correct answer could actually be pizza!

Lesson learned: There are still many people who have no idea what Bitcoin is or its history. They might only hear about Bitcoin and the pizza story when Bitcoin reaches a value of one million dollars—or perhaps even more!