Catstanbul is 3 things:

A Turning Point for Jupiter

We are unveiling major platform upgrades, key new team initiatives, and a bold ecosystem strategy that will turbo-charge Jupiter’s next evolution. Once everyone understands the vision of Jupiter, Jupiverse, and JUP, we can truly push forward together.

First-Ever Gathering of the Jupiverse

This is where you bring your talents, your energy, and your relentless drive. Singing, coding, DJing, whatever your passion, we want you to showcase them! Connect, form new workgroups, and make the Jupiverse feel like HOME.

Celebration of JUP

Live ecosystem rituals. A historic 3B JUP token burn. A future anchored by transparency and certainty, unfolding right before your eyes.

Catstanbul is for YOU

Catstanbul is for every active Jupiverse member, every curious newcomer, every Solana contributor, every aspiring dev and creator.

Don’t let anything stop you and apply for a subsidy if you need it. See you at Catstanbul!

Check the next post for the links to the full jupresearch post and for applying.

Jupiverse 🫶 Catstanbul