Since Time immemorial, trading has been an essential part of human interaction, starting from the earliest form of exchange called the *Barter System (Commonly known as "Trade by Barter")* which reportedly originated from the Mesopotamia tribes and involved the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services. This method was later abandoned due to it's setbacks of not having a common measure of value and being generally an unsatisfactory means of exchange. Consequently, in multiple attempts to fix the aforementioned setbacks and to attain a satisfactory level of exchange, trading went through some iterations, such as: *minting of official currencies, introduction of gold plated florins in Europe and use of Paper currencies, coins, credit cards and digital wallets like PayPal, Amazon pay, Apple pay etc).* All of these are controlled by Banks and Governments and therefore said to be *Centralized.*

see you on the next episode.