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菠菜 love BNB
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怎麼會有@CZ 是不是想把他騙回美國重新質押? #白宫首届加密货币峰会
“Binance Selection”: A Quality Endorsement or a Scam Shield? When “Binance Selection” becomes a safe haven for scam projects, how much trust is left in the platform? The controversy surrounding Redstone has already provided an answer. Last night, Redstone opened its airdrop claims, and within minutes, the community erupted in outrage. From Chinese to English communities, voices of protest surged. The anger mainly stems from three issues: 1️⃣ Fraudulent Rules: Users completed hundreds of tasks over years, with constant hints that points would lead to an airdrop. But at the last moment, a hidden “special role” requirement appeared, leaving most users ineligible. 2️⃣ Massive Insider Advantage: Reports suggest that over 98% of users received nothing, while suspicious wallets seemingly benefited. 3️⃣ Broken Promises: Redstone originally promised 10% of tokens for the community, but only 2% or less was actually distributed. In the end, only 4,000 addresses received airdrops. The real question is: Why did all of this happen right after Redstone got listed on Binance? Is “Binance Selection” really a seal of trust, or just a pay-to-play scam immunity pass? If loyal community members spend years supporting a project, only to become fuel for Binance’s trading volume and fees, what exactly is being “selected”? When scams run unchecked and Binance stays silent, we have to ask: Is this quality control or profit-sharing? As an industry leader, Binance has the power to change this narrative. The community deserves an answer. We still hope Binance is the dragon slayer, not the dragon it once vowed to defeat.
這幾條新聞對市場影響各不相同,簡要解析如下: 1️⃣ 美參議院撤銷IRS DeFi經紀人規則 • 這對DeFi發展是個利好消息,意味著去中心化交易平台和相關服務可能避免更嚴格的監管,利好DeFi相關代幣(如UNI、AAVE等)。 2️⃣ Noble推出收益型穩定幣USDN • 穩定幣市場競爭加劇,特別是在收益型產品上,可能會影響USDT、USDC等主流穩定幣的市場佔比。 3️⃣ 前美財長姆努欽:不投資加密貨幣 • 姆努欽長期對加密貨幣持懷疑態度,他的個人表態影響不大,除非美國財政部有更進一步的監管行動。 4️⃣ 幣安用戶在尼日利亞無法獲得空投 • 這可能與當地監管政策有關,對幣安的非洲市場影響較大,可能進一步推高用戶對去中心化交易的需求。 你認為哪則新聞影響最大?
又要搞事 門頭溝轉移大額BTC #MtGox钱包动态
美聯儲3月維持利率不變的概率降至89%,說明市場對降息的預期有所升溫,但短期內仍偏向按兵不動。這可能會影響風險資產的走勢,特別是加密市場和科技股。 另一方面,英偉達盤前跳水約2%,可能與市場對高估值科技股的獲利了結或近期AI熱潮的降溫有關。如果科技股回調,可能會對整體市場情緒產生一定壓力,進而影響比特幣等風險資產的短期走勢。你怎麼看這兩則消息對市場的影響?
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