вы удивитесь но так и было. Все монеты идут за биткос и у всех почти одинаковые графики. Это объясняет то, что никакие торги, кроме захода китов не влияет на графики кроме Биткоин
are we witnessing the biggest scam in the crypto system? check the chart of every coin in 15 min chart you will see identical fall the same time, that's not an action on a single currency. it's a complete market manipulation to sweep small traders, who is behind that?? $GALA $PEPE $SHIB ,👀☝️ one more thing those smart pants who says it's normal and it's the market and I'm new. the 15 min candle is what's all about. 3.5 billion in long contract was liquidated in 15 mins, who has that money now SMART PANTS🫵
For those who think I just arrive 😂😂🤣🤣 I love ⬇️GALA for scalping, and I had my price alert for $0.040x when it was still at $0.058x 😉😉😉😉and when i got it Iwas able to catch some at $0.042, on that particular moment 6 million USDT operated on 15 min candle and I was watching the order book but not even a %10 were executed at the moment 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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