SynFutures currently sits at a price of $0.077923 (F/USD) with a live market capitalization of 93.1M. The 24-hour trading volume is 40.4M USD which is a - %4.4984 negative. With a circulating supply of 1.2B, SynFutures's price movement is currently negative.
SynFutures Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis aims to assess the inherent value of an asset, while technical analysis involves examining statistical patterns in the price and volume of that asset. Both techniques are employed to analyze and predict potential developments in the future price of that asset.
In the case of F, the most straightforward way to perform fundamental analysis is to look at supply and demand dynamics. Additionally, it is possible to look at the market capitalization amount (93.1M) and the circulating supply (1.2B) to arrive at reasonable price assumptions for the future. On the demand side, it is possible to look at on-chain data relating to the number of active and new addresses and transaction count.
What drives the price of SynFutures ?
There are a number of variables in the cryptocurrency market that can drive the price of SynFutures upwards or downwards. The major force behind SynFutures’s asset value is the market’s supply and demand. Whether the demand for more F increases or decreases depends greatly on growing adoption.
Furthermore, significant events such as protocol updates or hard forks may also play a significant role in SynFutures’s price.
Another prime factor to consider is whale activity. Large holders of SynFutures can greatly impact the price as one large sell order can drop the price significantly. In addition, never underestimate the power of large institutional adoption and political regulations on SynFutures’s value.
It’s important to note some price predictions may appear contradictory. There is no clear-cut method for determining the future value of any cryptocurrency. This is because many factors are involved in price prediction. It’s not uncommon for one announcement to greatly change the trajectory of a coin’s price at any given time. The entire market as a whole can affect one coin’s movement as well as any updates on the project’s technology. Always do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.
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